Do All Narcissists 100% Cheat in a Relationship?
Consider for a moment that all narcissists are unfaithful. I truly believe this. Most people think, “Oh, well, my narcissist didn’t have sex with someone else.” But narcissists cheat you in many other ways. They take your time, energy, and emotional well-being.

Let’s say after saying goodbye to his wife and daughter, my friend got into his car and started driving to work. Right away, he called another woman. This became a habit for him.
He didn’t want to be honest or take responsibility in his relationships. So, he started cheating and having affairs.
He convinced himself he was the victim and thought that since he wasn’t getting what he wanted from his wife, it was okay to be unfaithful.
Reflecting on Narcissistic Behavior and Its Impact on Relationships.
Have you ever been in this situation? Did you catch your partner cheating? Did you see them having an affair or seeking satisfaction from others, whether it’s money, physical attraction, or emotional support? Did your narcissistic partner break your trust?
If you’re new, I’m Ryan Hwa. I’m here to talk about narcissistic abuse. I help people leave bad relationships and encourage narcissistic individuals to be honest and change their thinking.
Without changing their minds, they won’t change their behavior.
You might think, “They’re asking if all narcissists cheat, but mine didn’t.” Just watch this article with an open mind.
Think about what it means when we say “Do all narcissists 100% cheat in a relationship?” What does it mean for you if your narcissist cheated in some way?
The Lasting Impact of Toxic Relationships and Narcissistic Behavior.
When I first talk to people, there’s usually a lot to talk about. Whether it’s been a short time or many years, toxic relationships are tough. Women seem to feel it the most when they’re with a narcissistic partner.
These relationships can leave you feeling really stressed out and tired, and sometimes you even start to doubt yourself. When you’re in a bad relationship, it really messes with your mental and emotional health.
It can make you super stressed and anxious, and it can even affect your body. You might gain or lose weight, have trouble sleeping, or get sick.
Sometimes you don’t realize it’s because of the toxic person. Even after they’re gone, the effects stick around.
Breaking up with a narcissist doesn’t magically fix everything. It can take years to recover. When you’re with a narcissist, they often cheat and seek attention elsewhere.
Let me break this down. Some people don’t like it when I talk about others as “supply.” But for narcissists, people are like objects they use.
You’re just a tool to them, like a toaster. They keep you around to meet their needs, then they toss you aside and find someone else.
Recognizing Narcissistic Patterns and Consequences.
You may have seen this in your relationships: they use you, then find someone new, and do it all over again. It’s something you recognize. You might notice when they go from one person to the next.
Or you might catch them in the act and see it’s not just a one-time thing — they’ve been with many others, contacting different people.
Recently, some of you found out how much they talk to someone. Maybe you checked their phone or computer and saw that they mostly talk to someone else.
This discovery shattered the idea of a committed relationship, leaving you confused, frustrated, and feeling like you’re not good enough.
The hardest part is when you’re trapped in such a relationship, and then reality hits you like a ton of bricks. It’s devastating.
Some time ago, while I was out meeting people, I had a conversation with a lady who asked, “What do you do?” I told her, “I’m a blogger and full-time content creator. I assist people who’ve faced narcissistic abuse to overcome their challenges.
When I sat down with her, she started crying. The reason? Before we met, she found out her fiancé of several years had been cheating on her. It wasn’t just once; it had been going on for a long time, and she had no idea. It all hit her at once.
We sat down to talk because she was really hurting. It felt like her whole world had fallen apart. She was lost and didn’t know what to do or where to turn to deal with the pain and sadness.
The Deception of Narcissists: How Cheating Affects You
When narcissists cheat, it really hurts. What’s even worse is how they try to make you think it’s your fault. They blame you for what they did, making you feel like you’re the one who did something wrong.
Let’s go back to the main question: Do all narcissists 100% cheat in a relationship? You might be thinking, “Well, mine didn’t.” But think about this: maybe you just haven’t caught them yet.
You might believe they’re too busy with work to cheat, but what about the people they meet there? They could easily start something at work.
Some of you think they’re too busy with work to see anyone else.
But what about the people they’re always in court with? Sometimes they couldn’t use their phone during court.
So, they’d pretend to have appointments, making you think they were busy, while they were actually with someone else.
Narcissists trick you into thinking their behavior is normal, making small changes you don’t notice because they’re lying and hiding it.
How Narcissists Cheat and Hurt You: Knowing the Real Impact
They do this because they want to get what they want without seeming bad to you or others. Some of you just haven’t realized it yet.
And for the others, maybe they’re not cheating physically, but what about emotionally?
What about them looking at other or spending time with them?
What about them emotionally connecting with them?
Maybe they’re just talking to others, but they haven’t physically cheated.
They haven’t had sex with another person, but they’re already emotionally invested in someone else. They’re already giving their heart and attention to someone else mentally and emotionally. It could be another person, a hobby, their work, or something else, not you, not the person they claimed to be committed to.
That’s what happened with narcissists. They paid attention to others rather than their partners.
They focused on work and everything else but their partners. They wanted to look good to everyone else, even if it meant hurting their partners.
Now, when you think about it, I believe it’s true that all narcissists cheat, 100%. Most people only think, “Oh, well, my narcissist didn’t have sex with someone.” But narcissists cheat you out of much more than that.
Take a moment to think about what they’ve taken from you. Consider the money you’ve spent on them. Also, think about the time and energy you’ve invested in the relationship, handling household tasks, paying their bills, and maybe even clearing their debts.
There are many situations where people put in a lot of time and money, only to realize later how much they’ve wasted. It’s shocking to see how much money has been lost in the relationship, how much they’ve taken from you.
Wrap it up
Think about the time you’ve lost. The moments you once shared with your kids are now slipping away. It’s hard to be there for them because of work, the kids themselves, and the toxicity from the narcissist in your life.
They’ve taken away different aspects of your life. They’ve broken your confidence, your self-esteem, your sense of value. When you look in the mirror, you wonder, who am I? What value do I have now?
You’ve lost everything. It’s all been taken from you. If you’re reading this now, you know you’ve suffered a significant loss in this relationship.
It’s time to get it back. It’s time to take what’s yours and move forward in your healing journey.
I want to help you to transform so that they no longer have this pull back to you. There’s no longer this piece of, “I love them, but I know logically I shouldn’t be with them.”
If they’ve cheated you out of so much of your life, it’s time to stop, and it’s time to actually change your destiny and the direction that you’re actually going.
Thanks for reading! Please take a moment to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Don’t forget to share if you found it informative ❤
Let me know what you think, I’m trying to keep it simple. God bless you, Love you all, take care!
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your support means the world to me. Thank you for being a part of this journey, and I look forward to sharing more stories with you in the future!

Well written, and I totally agree with you!
Thank you for support always! <3