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How the Narcissist Takes Over Your Mind

How the Narcissist Takes Over Your Mind

It’s tough to accept, but it’s true. The narcissist fills your thoughts during the relationship and sometimes even after it’s over, until one day, they just don’t anymore.

How the Narcissist Takes Over Your Mind ©Article cover made by the author & Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash.

The goal of this article is to reach a point where you don’t care about the narcissist anymore. But let’s go back for a moment. Remember when you first met them? They probably seemed nice, but they were actually manipulating and using you.

They took advantage of your love, time, and everything else. It didn’t matter what kind of relationship it was, romantic, family, or work, they always wanted something from you.

But now, you’re stronger. You have knowledge and tools to protect yourself. Maybe the narcissist still occupies your thoughts, but you’re taking steps to regain control.

Understanding the Narcissist’s Devaluation Stage and Awareness of Their Actions

Now, let’s look back at the relationship during the devaluation stage. Once the narcissist felt in control, maybe after moving, starting a family, or getting married, that’s when things got worse.

Being devalued means feeling unappreciated and disrespected.

You endure gaslighting, stonewalling, and silent treatment, all ways the narcissist punishes you for just being yourself. They love having someone always available to handle their tantrums and blame games.

Don’t underestimate the narcissist’s awareness. They wake up each day with a choice, to be good or not. But often, they choose to cause trouble and take advantage of others.

I. Reflecting on Ending a Narcissistic Relationship and Moving Forward

During the devaluation stage, you couldn’t stop thinking about the narcissist. You wanted to go back to the start when everything felt perfect. But it was all fake. The narcissist only showed you what you wanted to see, pretending to be someone they’re not.

Their promises were lies, deceiving you deeper into their trap.

Now, let’s talk about the end of the relationship. Whether they left you or you left them, it’s not easy. Being in a relationship with a narcissist is harmful, even when it’s over. You might still think about them a lot.

But it’s important to know that thinking about them is part of healing.

If you’re going through this, know that you’re not alone. And when you doubt your decision to end things, remember: you did the right thing. Leaving, blocking them, cutting contact, it was all for the best. You made the right choice for yourself.

II. Reflecting on Ending a Narcissistic Relationship and Moving Forward

If you’re reading this article about recovering from narcissistic abuse, it probably means you had a tough choice in a relationship. You had to decide if you should keep sacrificing your health and resources by staying, or leave to protect yourself. That’s why you ended it.

Now, think about the situation in reverse.

Maybe unexpectedly, on a special day, the narcissist broke up with you, leaving you wondering if they ever cared and if they can change.

Even though it hurts, asking these questions is part of getting better.

Getting through this difficult time is important for growing as a person. Recognizing how toxic your past relationship was helps you close that chapter, break ties, and focus on healing.

Remember, facing the truth, no matter how hard, is the first step toward finding peace again.

III. Reflecting on Ending a Narcissistic Relationship and Moving Forward

Healing from a relationship with a narcissist takes time. Every moment away from them is a step forward. It’s not about upsetting you, but about recognizing your journey to feeling better.

You didn’t know you were dealing with a narcissist at first.

They don’t come with warnings. But now, as you distance yourself, you’re getting back your energy, health, money, and friends. You’re setting boundaries to protect yourself.

You’re also looking at other relationships in your life. This might make you think about your past. Despite the narcissist’s attempts to hurt you, you’re still strong. You’re not letting them bring you down.

IV. Reflecting on Ending a Narcissistic Relationship and Moving Forward

You’re getting stronger every day, becoming someone incredibly resilient. As you heal, you’re moving towards not caring about the narcissist or anyone from that time.

I repeat these ideas because reminders are important.

Just like I found help when I needed it, you’ll understand this message in your own time.

This article might not make sense right away, but eventually, it will.

Cutting off contact is the best choice, as many people I’ve helped have realized. They’ve reached a point where the narcissist doesn’t matter anymore.

They focus on the present, learning from the past, and taking back control. Some have ended all communication or acted in ways that make them boring to the narcissist.

Overcoming Narcissistic Abuse and Reclaiming Control

They’ve completely changed how they think, realizing how important their energy, time, and resources are, especially their time. They won’t put up with toxic behavior anymore, and they won’t tolerate any abuse from narcissists.

Once they see what’s really going on, they can’t ignore it. Yes, the narcissist took up a lot of their time.

Lots of people, like me, went through difficult times like can’t sleep well at night, gaining or losing weight, feeling really confused.

It’s all from being in a relationship with a narcissist.

Getting over it isn’t easy, but if I could do it, you can too. Just be patient, stay strong, and focus on yourself. You’re the most important thing. Forget about the narcissist, and please think about yourself and your own happiness.

Recognizing Narcissistic Behavior and Reclaiming Power

The narcissist isn’t thinking about you. They’ve moved on to someone else, and they’re not improving, they’re getting worse. They never take responsibility for their actions, they blame others.

They only care about what benefits them, and they’ll keep hurting you until you stand up for yourself.

It’s time to realize the relationship wasn’t what you thought, the narcissist used and controlled you.

But now, you see their true colors.

You know about narcissism, you see the signs, and you have boundaries. You’re not easily manipulated anymore. You can confidently say no, the strongest word there is.

Moving Beyond Narcissistic Influence and Seizing Your Future

Saying no to something or someone means saying yes to yourself. The advice I give here is real and has helped many people move on from toxic relationships to a better life.

The narcissist may have tried to bring you down for a long time, but they didn’t succeed because you’re still here.

Your life is yours to enjoy and be proud of. You’re not controlled by anyone anymore.

Healing takes time, but with the tools and support available, you’ll get through it. Your journey is unique, and you’ll find healing at your own pace.

Joining You on the Path to Healing and Getting Stronger

We’re all waiting for you up here on the mountaintop. There’s plenty of room for everyone, just like there was for me. More people join us every day, but this place is only for those who’ve been through tough times and come out stronger.

We’re here to help you say no to the narcissist and move on with your life.

You might still be thinking about them now, but things will get better. I’m living proof of that.

This article is here to encourage you, to give you hope, and to show you that you can grow and move past the narcissist. They’re not worth your time.

Choosing Genuine Connections, Surrounding Yourself with Supportive Relationships

They’re like poison, and we all see it now. We don’t want anyone like them in our lives. We need people who care about us and stick around when things get tough, not those who bail when trouble starts, like narcissists do.

We’re here for each other, supporting, learning, and growing.

We’re getting stronger and more aware every day. Sure, the narcissist may have been on our minds for a while, but that ends when we heal.

One day, you’ll wake up feeling great, ready to focus on yourself and your happiness. It’s not about the narcissist anymore, it’s about taking care of yourself and moving forward, free from manipulation or control.

Wrap it up

We’re done with those days of being overloaded with tasks, always saying sorry, and being everyone’s go-to without getting anything in return. We’ve learned from that relationship and are using those lessons now.

Understanding our own value is why we feel lucky to have moved on and either healed or are well on our way.

That’s all for the article. Hope you enjoyed it. Sending love. This is Ryan, signing off with a heartfelt Salam. Remember you’re not alone.

Just a reminder, the narcissist may still be on your mind, but as you distance yourself, their grip will loosen.

Healing takes time, so go easy on yourself. Remember, where you are now isn’t where you’ll be tomorrow.

I hope you found my article informative and helpful.

Please let me know what you think, God bless you, Love you all, and take care!

Check out our publication about Narcissism if you want to learn more or join us to write: Me and Narcissism

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❤ Thank you Everyone! Love you all, Stay Vibrate Higher — Ryan Hwa❤

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