The life they’ve built with lies can’t last forever. One day, everything will fall apart, and they will face the truth.

The fall of the narcissist is coming for sure. At first, they look strong and untouchable, always pushing limits and using people for what they want. They like to create trouble and control everyone but in the end, their fake image will break down. All the harm they’ve done, the lies they’ve told, and the fake lives they made will start to fall apart.
The narcissist treats people like objects. They use them until they have no more use, then throw them away like nothing. They don’t see others as real people, just tools to get what they want. The trouble starts when they become too full of themselves and think nothing can touch them.
They take too many chances and push their power too far. This often happens when they are older, but not always. The narcissist moves through life like a storm, breaking everything in their path like hurting relationships with their kids, parents, partners, friends, and everyone around them. In the end, it’s always about them.
When you were with a narcissist, you didn’t understand what was happening because no one taught you about it. You kept giving, trying to fix everything, ignoring your feelings, and making excuses for them, hoping things would get better.
But that’s what they wanted, for you to keep giving while they kept taking. They don’t feel guilty. To them, you are just something they use. When they are done with you, they move on and find someone else to use. What do they fear? Being found out, losing control, or being alone. They are scared of anything that takes away their power, especially being thrown away.
The narcissist’s mask will eventually slip, and the truth about who they really are will come out.
In our community, we don’t throw people away. We are positive and kind, and we want to make the world better by helping others grow and feel better. That’s exactly what the narcissist saw in us when we started the relationship.
They saw someone who worked hard, did the right thing, cared about others, and wanted to build something good together. And that’s when they decided to take advantage of us. They pretended to be someone else, said all the right things, and made us think they shared our dreams.
They kept us confused almost like we were in a fog, not seeing what was really happening, just so they could control us. At the same time, they pushed harder, using more manipulation to control us. They pulled us deeper into their lies, making it harder to breathe, like we were barely managing to stay afloat. This is what narcissists do, it’s how they have always behaved, even before they met us and they will keep doing it forever.
But eventually, the narcissist’s downfall comes when they push too far, when they try to take advantage one time too many. Let’s say they have a best friend who’s known them for 15 years or more. The friend might not know if they are a narcissist, but over the years they probably realized that their friend wasn’t as kind or stable as they thought. Slowly, they saw small signs that something was wrong with the way the narcissist acted.
So what happens now?
Maybe the narcissist doesn’t have their usual source of attention or a partner, though it’s hard to believe but let’s say it’s true. They start spending more time with an old friend, someone they’ve known for a long time. The more they spend time together, the friend starts realizing things about the narcissist that they didn’t see before. The perfect image starts to crack, and the friend begins to see more of the narcissist’s bad side. This is exactly what the narcissist fears, someone seeing who they really are.
The real narcissist only shows up when they have people close to them like their spouse, kids, or someone living with them. These are the people they can control and manipulate, this is where the abuse happens. Outside their home, they wear a mask. They pretend to be nice and charming to the world. However, on the inside, they are completely different.
Now, back to the friend example.
The narcissist has worked so hard to maintain a perfect image that their friend hasn’t seen their bad behavior. The friend likely ignores it or doesn’t pay attention. But now, without their usual sources of attention, the narcissist starts depending more on this old friend. Maybe they go on a trip together, or the narcissist needs to stay at the friend’s place for a while. The more they spend time together, the more the friend begins to see the real, toxic side of the narcissist.
So, what happens now?
The friend starts noticing strange things. Maybe they hear some stuff or see actions that don’t make sense, and then, it clicks. They have a moment where they think, “Wait, everyone said there’s something wrong with this person, but I always stood by them.” Now, they realize they’ve been defending the narcissist all this time, not knowing what narcissism even was. But now, all the signs make sense, and they can’t believe it “I’ve been friends with a narcissist for over 15 years!”
That’s the moment everything changes.
You, the narcissist’s close friend, were always there for them. You helped them, maybe even checked their social media or made fake profiles to gather information, thinking you were helping. But really, you were just supporting them without knowing. And then, when their mask finally falls off, it’s like a big shock. The friend starts to see everything, the narcissist doesn’t care about their kids, exes, family, or anyone else. And then, they start thinking, “Do they even care about me?”
The narcissist only cares about what you can do for them, such as giving them a place to stay, paying their bills, or giving them all your free time. Once they take everything from you, just like they did to their ex-partners, children, and friends, they will throw you away and disappear. Like a snake, they will quietly move to find another person who doesn’t know their true side yet.
But the truth is, this happens everywhere, all the time. More and more people are waking up. They are trusting their feelings, connecting the signs, and realizing they don’t need to accept bad behavior anymore. The truth is, nobody should tolerate mistreatment, not now or ever.
Before, we didn’t have much information about narcissism, and we had no idea what it was, so it was easier to ignore bad behavior. But now, it is probably more common than before. The good news? We, the empaths — the kind, loving, and strong people who’ve been hurt by narcissists are getting stronger. We are learning, growing, and taking charge.
People are starting to see the truth about narcissists, and their time is running out.
When you start to learn more and get wiser, you gain a new power and you become an educated empath. This is where you are now, or where you are going. You begin to see the world for what it really is, not how you wanted it to be. The rose-colored glasses are gone. You’ve been through the narcissistic abuse cycle, and now you’re healing. Your emotional well is being filled again, or maybe it’s already full and just keeps getting filled more.
But when the narcissist’s perfect image starts to crack, it will not be pretty. It’s not just about old narcissists though, let’s be honest, they don’t age well. The fall starts when their support system starts to break down, and they get more and more isolated as people begin to leave them.
Think back to when you were with them. If they discarded you, my heart goes out to you. If you ended it yourself, my heart goes out to you too. No matter how it ended, you were in that relationship. But if you were discardedor even if you weren’t, you quickly learned who your real friends were. You saw that when things got tough, no one came to check on you. No one knocked on your door. Instead, you were left all alone, because the narcissist had already turned people against you. And in that moment, you were cut off, just like they wanted.
With time, you started to understand what narcissism really is. It was like finding something special in a big pile of junk. Once you found it, you began to pull away and choose to be alone and it’s a totally different feeling. Self-isolation happens when you decide to stay by yourself, set some boundaries, and focus on healing. You slow everything down like writing in a journal, meditating, praying, talking to a therapist, reading, watching videos, and healing old wounds. You do what you need to feel better.
But being isolated is what the narcissist did to you.They made you feel alone, like you had no one. When the narcissist ended things, let’s say by throwing you away, they made sure you felt isolated. It wasn’t an accident, but it was on purpose to hurt you more. They wanted to see how deep they could hurt you, how long it would take for you to understand who they really were. It was like a test to see if you could survive everything.
But you did, now you’re here. As the narcissist’s other relationships start to fall apart, because they always do, that’s when their manipulation stops working. The more people they try to control, the fewer they can keep. That’s when they start to lose everything.
Do you think the narcissist will ever admit to what they did? No way. They’ll never admit they’re a narcissist. They won’t say they need help, or that they made mistakes, or that they hurt you. They’ll never take responsibility. This is just what they do, they use people, take advantage of them, and when they’re done, they move on to the next person.
The narcissist starts losing control when the people they’ve been using finally open their eyes. Maybe it’s happening right now, maybe that best friend who has been with them for more than 15 years is starting to see who they really are. Or maybe the person who let the narcissist stay in their houses in different countries is finally waking up, “This person doesn’t care about me. They only care about what I have. They never help, never give anything. They only stay close to me because I’m rich and generous.”
In the end, people are seeing the truth. Not everyone, but many are starting to understand the manipulation. They start to step away when they realize they’ve been used for many years. Before, they couldn’t see it, but now they do. Maybe they weren’t used as much as the narcissist’s family, but they were still taken advantage of. And when they realize this, they want nothing to do with the narcissist anymore.
This is happening all around the world. It was happening when you were in the relationship, and it’s still happening now. It will keep happening tomorrow too. People are starting to understand that the narcissist’s time is running out. Their downfall is coming, and it’s getting closer every day.
Breaking free from the narcissist’s control and realizing their fake life is falling apart.
After you get away from a narcissistic relationship, you might think the narcissist is having the best life. They are with someone new, traveling everywhere, posting pictures of themselves looking perfect, always in the best clothes, wearing expensive watches or bags, and eating in fancy restaurants. It looks like they have everything, but the truth is none of these things can fix the emptiness inside them.
What many people don’t realize is that the narcissist is stuck in their own toxic mind. They might seem like they are doing well in life, but deep down, they are always dealing with anxiety and insecurity. They know they can’t love anyone, and they are aware of it.
They might copy how others feel or say things other people told them, but it’s all fake. They are like someone who collects bits of other people’s lives, using them when they need. But there is nothing real inside them, no true self. They know this, and that’s why they hold onto people who don’t see the truth. They take whatever they can from others, use them for their own needs, and when they are done, they throw them away and move on to the next person to take from.
As the narcissist gets older and ruins more relationships, their perfect outside starts to crack. If you think the new person with them is living the best life, you’re wrong because they’re not. The new person is probably one of these three:
- They could be just as bad as the narcissist,
- They might be a fresh target who doesn’t know about narcissism, or
- They are someone who got pulled back in, maybe they haven’t healed from the past, still stuck in that confusing feeling.
The people around the narcissist, whether they’re in a relationship, friendship, or family, all go through the same thing. They are always being controlled, lied to, and hurt. It could be sudden anger, trying to control them, messing with their money, or even emotional or physical harm.
It’s all part of the narcissist’s plan. They get the silent treatment, lies spread about them, and all sorts of tricks like blaming others or making them feel guilty. The narcissist’s life is full of fights, broken things, unpaid bills, just nonstop stress. The people close to them get drained slowly, because of how toxic the narcissist is.
Unless the people around the narcissist are just as bad, they are stuck in a bad cycle with them. It’s like two people who keep hurting each other over and over, and it never stops. I really wish no one would ever have to go through abuse, but I am just one person, so I try my best writing articles every day, hoping to help people get out of these bad situations.
If you are feeling better and have healed, take a moment to be thankful for that. Stop and say, “I am happy with where I am now. I am out of the bad relationship, I feel better, and I’m finally at peace.” But if you are not where you want to be, then it is time to work. The first step is realizing that where you are now is not where you want to be. You need to make a plan to get out. I’ve done this many times, and it always worked for me.
Now, here’s something important to remember: The narcissist is not living the perfect life they look like they are on the outside. Even though they post happy pictures on social media, their life is not happy. What they show is just a fake image. They just want to make themselves look good, and they depend on other people to pay for their lifestyle. The narcissist is like a parasite, always looking for someone to take care of them. They are always trying to find someone to use, that’s the real story behind their fake life.
The truth is, the narcissist is empty inside. They act tough and mean because they are scared and insecure. They like to hurt others because it makes them feel better. And the more people they hurt, the more others realize how many bad people like them are out there.
That’s why you have to be careful who you trust and share your feelings with. Save your kindness for the people who truly care about you like your close friends and family. Don’t keep giving chances to people who hurt you over and over, not everyone you meet wants what’s best for you.
You also need to understand that even though narcissism may have affected you when you were in the relationship, it doesn’t have to control you anymore. Now, you have your own boundaries. You can say “no,” and that is a very powerful word. This is where the narcissist starts to lose. I’ll tell you exactly when it happens: It happens the moment you decide to leave them, no matter where you are, whether you’re at home, on a trip, or just living your daily life.
The real change happens when you decide to cut all contact. Block them, delete them, and stop talking to anyone who is still in their life. That’s when you take control. That’s when you get back your time, your peace, and your strength. That’s when you start to rebuild your life and feel strong again.
Make sure the narcissist can’t contact you anymore. Close every way they can reach you, even if you left them open by mistake or out of old habit. Block them, lock them, close everything completely. If there is even a tiny opening, they will find it and try to contact you. Believe me, they will.
The truth is, every relationship they have will eventually fall apart. It always happens. All of them end, and yours was no different. But here’s the important part, once you heal or even if you are still healing, remember this relationship almost broke you, but it didn’t. You are still here. So, you need to protect your peace, stay strong, and always remember this: the narcissist never cared about you. They never loved you. And now, their life is not your problem, and your life is not their business.
It’s very important to keep your life private from them. They don’t need to know where you are, what you’re doing, who you’re with, or anything about your life. They don’t need to know if you’re doing something new, writing something, or even little things like your hair color. Keep everything about your life to yourself, that is your power.
They had everything with you, and they ruined it, just like they always do. The narcissist tried their best to hurt you, but they failed. Now, you’ve gotten out of their toxic cycle, and you should never let them back in.
When you look back, you will see that the cracks in their act were always there, and they just got worse over time. The truth is, narcissistic relationships don’t get better they only get worse as I’ve always said, just like the narcissist themselves. That’s why going no contact is so important.
The real downfall of the narcissist starts when you choose to completely cut them off. And my hope for you is that, once you do, they lose all power over you. They will crawl away, becoming nothing. They will be so small that they aren’t even a tiny piece of dirt under your feet. Actually, they’re less than dirt because dirt can grow things, but the narcissist has nothing to give. They know this deep inside.