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This is How Narcissists Express Jealousy & Envy
Although narcissists cannot love unconditionally, they have a strong ability to intensely hate you purposefully. This comes from their inability to copy your natural talent for attracting and guiding others, which they envy but cannot mimic.

This jealousy and envy drive narcissists to copy and undermine you, ruining your reputation, isolating you, and making you feel worthless. They abandon you when you need them most, showing no empathy.
Today, I’m Ryan, a writer who helps people recover from narcissistic abuse. We’ll discuss how narcissists express their jealousy and envy.
If you want to learn more, bookmarking and sharing this website to help spread awareness about narcissistic abuse.
Narcissists destroy what they can’t have because they believe you shouldn’t have it either. This destructive mindset shapes their behavior. When they envy you, they demonstrate it through their actions.
Copying, Mimicking, How Narcissists Envy and Imitate
When we talk about envy, we’re entering darker territory because while everyone experiences jealousy, narcissists take it to extremes. Their jealousy turns into something punitive, vengeful, and destructive, it becomes envy.
The first thing narcissists do out of jealousy toward you is to copy you.
They try to become just like you, taking on your traits and mannerisms to take what you have, even though they lack the foundation, skills, or talents to sustain the success you’ve worked hard for.
They’ll speak like you, dress like you, and mimic how you interact with others.
Witnessing such behavior can be astonishing. I’ve heard of instances where they apply for the same job at the same company, aiming for the exact same role. It might sound unbelievable, but this is something others have seen firsthand.
Identity Theft, How Narcissistic Envy Can Harm You
They never compliment the things they copy from you. You’ll notice it, but they won’t admit it because they don’t want you to feel good. Secretly, they admire and envy you.
Sometimes, they even change their names.
You might think this only happens in movies, but survivors know it’s real, it can paralyze and traumatize you.
It’s like they’re taking over your personality, stealing your identity.
You feel disconnected from reality as they become more like you without your permission. What you once thought was a friend starts acting like you, getting close to your loved ones and pushing you away.
They enter your life gradually, causing damage that shows up later.
When you realize it, it seems too late to do anything. They might ruin your reputation, label you as unstable, or cozy up to someone powerful, maybe your boss and poison their opinion out of envy.
They begin by copying you, but their urge to destroy is relentless. Their emptiness drives them to tear you down, leaving you alone, in pain, and without meaningful connections.
Undermined Trust, Narcissistic Manipulation in Relationships
Once they’re in your life, they get close to people who matter to you or have power over your decisions like your boss. Gradually, the narcissist starts turning these relationships against you by spreading lies and false accusations.
They might claim you’re planning to start a competing business with insider information or say you’re undermining your colleagues. None of it is true.
They gossip a lot, portraying you negatively, which leads to isolation and mistreatment.
When you face this kind of betrayal, it hurts deeply.
When you try to explain it to others, they often blame you and dismiss your concerns like “Why did you let them in? Why didn’t you stop this?” These questions ignore how manipulative the narcissist is.
This betrayal damages your trust in yourself and your ability to make decisions. It makes you feel paranoid and causes many challenges.
Emotional Battles, How Narcissistic Jealousy and Anger Affect You
Out of jealousy and spite, their next move is to unleash their anger. Once they drop their nice act and no longer need to pretend, they attack fiercely. Their goal is to break you down completely, leaving you emotionally paralyzed and unable to rebuild.
It’s a deep feeling of loss.
They go after your natural talents and skills, trying to chip away at your confidence and diminish your brightness.
Their aim is to undermine your sense of worth and self-esteem, filling you with self-doubt across all areas of life. They block your attempts to move forward.
Whether you’re applying for a job or pursuing a relationship, their manipulation and betrayal cause you to question every choice.
You doubt yourself, even when you have the skills and qualifications.
Trusting others and yourself becomes incredibly difficult. Their actions create a constant fear of being attacked, making you feel unsafe in the world. This fear drives you towards isolation and choices that pull you further away from others.
Wrap it up
For instance, opting to work remotely to avoid people, staying home more, and feeling afraid to go out are signs of deep hurt from someone you trusted.
Ultimately, narcissists live by the motto: “I came, I saw, I conquered.” This reflects their view of people as tools for their use, to be discarded once they no longer serve their needs.
When you can no longer fulfill their expectations, they see you as an adversary.
As someone once said, “To a narcissist, you’re only as good as your last mistake,” illustrating their tendency to judge based on performance.
That concludes this article. Share your stories of betrayal in the comments below, and learn more about healing from narcissistic betrayal in my upcoming articles. Keep moving forward on your healing journey until next time.
I hope you found this article interesting and useful.
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❤ Thank you Everyone! Love you all, Stay Vibrate Higher — Ryan Hwa❤