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Exploring the Power of Intuition in Decision Making
When it comes to making decisions, some say facts are key, while others swear by gut feelings. But the truth? You need both. People split into two groups: those who trust facts most and those who think gut feelings are rubbish.

Some people trust their gut, while others stick to the facts. But combining both? That’s the best way to go. Today, let’s talk about what intuition really is, clearing up any confusion.
When you understand intuition, you’ll see it comes from experience and knowledge.
Time to clear up some misunderstandings about intuition. Lots of people think it’s just your gut feeling, but there’s more to it. Studies say intuition is about spotting patterns, and you get better at it over time.
It’s like your brain’s habit-making part doing its thing without you even noticing. Intuition mixes gut feelings with patterns and understanding your emotions.
Let’s tackle another myth, intuition isn’t fixed. It’s something we can learn, as we become more aware of our emotions and grow emotionally, our intuition gets better.
For instance, if anxiety is a constant companion, learning to handle it helps make room for intuition to work better. So, yes, intuition can be sharpened and made stronger.
Myth number three, intuition isn’t a feeling. It’s like a mix of everything like thoughts, feelings, sensations, you name it.
But some get confused, anxiety’s a feeling with physical and emotional parts, plus thoughts. But intuition? It’s more like a sense, a way to figure things out.
Myth number four, intuition is always fast. But that’s not true. Our initial reactions are quick, but they’re not all intuition. Understanding intuition takes time.
It’s most reliable when we’re relaxed, not stressed. Personally, I find I make better decisions in the morning. If I’m unsure about something at night, I sleep on it and see how I feel in the morning.
After sleeping well, things can feel different. Sometimes, I wake up just knowing if something’s right or not.
Some people get their bright ideas while jogging, walking the dog, or singing in the shower, when they’re not really thinking about it. Our brain works better when we’re calm but still paying attention, and decisions don’t always come right away.
How Intuition Helps in Making Decisions, Mixing Gut Instincts with Facts and Know-How
Intuition mixes our instincts, noticing patterns, feelings, and what we really want inside. It’s not just about what society says is right; it looks at all our feelings and knowledge.
So, it’s a mix of lots of things helping us choose what feels best for us.
Take a look at the Harvard Business Review for advice from business leaders. They’ve got articles like “Emotions Are Okay for Decisions,” “We Need Both Data and Intuition for Good Choices,” and one by Laura Koch titled “Can We Trust Our Instincts?” She says yes, especially for tough decisions when we’ve also got data.
When you combine data and gut feelings, intuition works best if the decision maker knows a lot about the topic.
So, having experience makes intuition stronger because it helps see patterns.
The article points out that humans are good at spotting patterns without even knowing it. So, intuition isn’t just about feelings; it’s also about seeing patterns. The author says intuition and reason aren’t opposites; they can actually work together.
Intuition is especially helpful in difficult decisions with no obvious solution.
This might be obvious to you, your gut feeling will tell you instantly. Imagine you’re buying jeans, and one costs $5 while the same one is $2 elsewhere.
You don’t need intuition to know which to choose, right? Simple decisions like this are clear and logical.
But it’s the complex ones that often confuse us, the ones we ponder over or stress about. Truthfully, there isn’t always just one right answer. Wanting a perfect solution ignores life’s uncertainties and the reality that things don’t always go as expected.
Essential Components of Effective Decision-Making & Understanding Yourself, Emotions, and Reasoning
Intuition, even if it usually works, doesn’t always guarantee the right choice. Things can still be uncertain, and it’s good to think about other options.
Now, let’s look at the five important things for making good decisions.
Knowing yourself well is important for making good choices. This involves understanding your goals, values, and priorities. It can get tricky sometimes, especially when our goals or values clash, like wanting a job that pays well but not wanting to work long hours.
Despite these challenges, having a clear understanding of yourself is crucial for making smart decisions.
Knowing what triggers you and your negative beliefs is important. If you can spot them, you can replace them with positive thoughts. This helps you make better decisions and live a happier life.
Also, being aware of your biases is crucial. Relying too much on gut feelings influenced by biases can cause problems. So, it’s vital to develop self-awareness over time.
It’s important to understand your emotions. What are they telling you, and where do you feel them? Some people only recognize a few emotions, but there are more.
Improving your emotional intelligence can help you make better decisions. It takes time to develop, but it’s worth it for making smarter choices in life.
Let’s think logically. Considering the good and bad, looking at the facts it’s important. Sometimes, making a list of pros and cons helps us think clearly. We shouldn’t ignore data, but we shouldn’t blindly follow it either. It’s about checking if our gut feeling matches the facts.
If they don’t match, we might need to dig deeper. But what if our gut feeling disagrees with the data? I’m not talking about regular feelings like anxiety. I mean true intuition.
Studies show that when intuition goes against the data, it often leads to better choices.
From what I’ve seen, when people follow their gut but it conflicts with the facts, they often realize those facts didn’t consider what really mattered to them.
Pressure from society or family can steer us away from choices that match our values. Going for what seems logical might bring money or status, but if it doesn’t make you happy, what’s the use?
Accepting Risks and Making the Best Choices
Thinking about the facts and giving your mind space are important for making decisions. This might involve taking a break or relaxing. Some people turn to prayer or spirituality to find guidance.
It’s about being true to yourself and not feeling rushed. Accepting that some things are uncertain helps you make better decisions in the end.
Decisions are challenging and there are no guarantees. Some readers worry when I talk about this. They wonder, “Why discuss uncertainty?”
But that’s life, ignoring it won’t help. Intuition gets it, it knows there are risks. It considers uncertainty but still decides based on everything.
Sometimes, you won’t know if it was right or wrong.
Let me share a story, I got a job in Jakarta, I moved there, knowing nobody. At first, it seemed like a bad move. But, surprisingly, good things came from it.
Looking back, I’m not sure if it was the right choice. It didn’t go as planned, which makes me question it. Still, given what I knew then, it felt like the best decision. We accept that decisions have risks. We think about the good and bad, our feelings, and what our gut tells us, trying to make the best choice possible.
I hope you found this article interesting and useful.
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❤ Thank you Everyone! Love you all, Stay Vibrate Higher — Ryan Hwa❤