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How to Remain Detached Yet Fulfill Your Desires

How to Remain Detached Yet Fulfill Your Desires

Dreaming helps, but wanting can be a problem. Imagine visualizing as making your dreams real, not just wanting them.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels
When you imagine getting what you “want,” you don’t picture yourself at a car dealership; instead, you envision wishing for the car. You don’t imagine wanting it, but rather dreaming as if it is already yours.

When you imagine finding love, you’re not imagining yourself staring out the window at night, wishing for your soulmate. 

Instead, when you visualize, you’re thinking about getting it, not just wanting it. 

you attract what matches your vibe in real life.

When people dream about what they want, they can mess things up by only thinking about wanting it. 

Consider this, the “you” who’s in love isn’t wishing for it; they’re living it. And the version of you with lots of money isn’t wanting more, they just naturally feel rich.

Finding Your Way with Desires, Embracing Natural Energy and Letting Go of Outcomes.

Think of vibrational resonance as aligning your energy with what feels right for you at the moment. When you focus too much on something, you create resistance by making it too important. 

Success comes from being true to what feels natural to you.

When you want something, it can feel far away. Many people try hard to find love by going to events, yoga classes, and smiling a lot. But the more they try, the harder it seems to find love.

Many times, when I advise people to relax, enjoy life, and not stress about areas where they face challenges, they resist. 

I’m not saying to ignore intimacy issues or anything that might make it hard to meet people. I’m just saying to let go of worrying about the end result.

Finding Joy in the Process and Being Present.

This article is about letting go of caring too much about what happens. You can do things because you like them or just to get what you want. 

But when you focus only on getting what you want, it takes away from enjoying the process.

When people go on a date expecting to find their one true love and thinking about forever together, they create barriers that stop love from growing naturally. 

Feeling pressured makes it hard to connect for real, so love can’t really develop. 

But when you’re not too focused on the future and just enjoy the moment, you become more attractive because you’re relaxed and fully present.

Instead of obsessing over finding love, focus on doing things you enjoy and cherishing happy moments in your life. 

This will naturally make you more attractive and help love come to you. But if you keep thinking you need something, you’ll keep feeling like you don’t have it. 

Just remember, what you want is what you tell yourself you’re missing. Try changing your mindset to see things differently.

Understanding that tuning into the right frequency is about your energy, not your location.

It’s interesting how radios work. Frequencies are everywhere. If I take a radio to one side of my room and tune it to 97.5, I can hear it clearly. If I move to the other side of the house and tune to 97.5 again, I’ll still hear it. 

But many people tune to 95-something, which feels like lack. 

They think moving to a different part of the house will make them feel better, but they keep tuning to the lack frequency.

They think, “Maybe I’m on the wrong side of the house. 

I should go to the other side, or maybe outside to the pool or street.” So they take the radio and move around, hoping it will fix the problem. 

But they keep tuning to 95 and still feel lack. The problem is they’re moving the radio, expecting to hear a different station.

 The real issue isn’t where they are it’s the station they’re tuned to.

Instead of tuning to the same station and thinking you’ll find love or abundance by moving to a different place, tune into the love frequency first. 

Focus on being that frequency. This means embodying the energy and understanding that it starts from within. It’s not about where you are; it’s about your energy.

Start embodying the emotions you desire now to attract what you want in life.

If you keep focusing on what you don’t have, you’ll keep getting more of it. No matter how hard you try or who you talk to, if you’re stuck thinking about what you lack, that’s all you’ll find. 

That’s why it’s important to let things happen naturally and change your way of thinking. 

It’s about embracing the feelings you really want.

If you want to attract a relationship or abundance, imagine how you’d feel if you already had them. Would it be the joy of a fulfilling job? Or the warmth of a loving connection? 

Start feeling those emotions in your life today.

As you begin to feel the essence of what you want by noticing what already makes you happy, you might not have your dream job, but you can still enjoy small things like your lunch break. 

I remember when I had a typical 9-to-5 job and felt a bit stuck during lunch breaks. But I found comfort in going to a cozy place at my work place, watching YouTube or reading while eating my usual Nasi Goreng meal. 

I valued that time, and with time, I learned to appreciate similar moments in other parts of my life.

Shift your focus to change your emotions and beliefs.

You can choose to focus your energy on writing articles, which can make you feel free. When you focus on something, you can feel the way you want to feel. 

If you’re always thinking about not having enough and wanting more, you might think that changing where you are will make you feel better. 

But really, what you need to change is how you think, not where you are.

When you change what you focus on and how you see things, your mindset changes too. Right now, you might think that a relationship or money will solve everything. Thinking this way, you look for solutions outside of yourself. 

But it can be really powerful to question this belief.

Sometimes, I aimed for a certain level of success, and when I got there, I got really busy. I saw others in my field doing lots of live events and thought I needed to do the same. 

Watching people like Joe Dispenza, Bob Proctor, do it motivated me, so I organized a few live events myself, around two or three in two months.

Finding Alignment Through Natural Passion and Energy Management

What I figured out was that organizing live events and handling all the details was exhausting. Even though I’m still doing them, I realized I was overworking myself. 

When I reached what I thought was the answer to everything, it actually made me more stressed and didn’t make me as happy as I thought it would.

Before, I considered quitting making articles on my website or medium and thought live events were my new path. But I realized I was trying to force a change instead of focusing on what I really enjoy. 

I understood I should let things unfold naturally and only organize live events when I’m genuinely inspired, without overwhelming myself. 

This realization motivated me to stick with Medium

That’s when I realized that when I had more energy and wasn’t doing too much, I could spend more time on Medium. 

It’s interesting because sometimes, I think people who want love or success might miss chances to grow in other parts of their lives. 

But a big part of this is if you’re too focused on the final result. What do you think getting that result will give you?

Shifting Your Self-Image and Daily Habits for Success

This leads to them missing out because they don’t enjoy the process. It’s also a time to think about how you see yourself inside. 

For instance, in 2019–2020, when I began my writing journey and had been making article every day for about six months, people would ask, “How do you keep up with making article daily?”

And I did. I didn’t consciously think, “I’m a Blogger who can make article every day.” It just became a habit. 

Making daily articles became part of my routine and who I am. Saying “I make daily articles on the website and medium” felt natural. I didn’t have to think about it. 

When people asked me how I did it, I’d say, “I don’t know, I just do it. It’s just me.”

It’s easy. It only feels hard if you look at it differently and think, “Wow, that would be amazing.” 

Doing something repeatedly in your day makes it easier with time.

When you’re talking about resonant frequency, think about what you do every day. What activities affect how you feel? 

For me, praying five times a day in Islam has been the most effective way to change my mindset. It’s the tool that helps me shift my energy and mood.

Shifting from Wanting to Being: Harnessing the Power of Action and Intention

Recently, I’ve been working on imagining myself as the person I want to become and living that way every day. It’s about truly believing that this is who I am now, not just wishing for it. 

When you truly believe it, you start acting like it without even thinking about it. 

Eventually, you move from just wanting it to actually intending to make it happen.

Some people want things, and they get them by moving from just wanting to actually embodying it. 

They begin to take action, which helps level things out. 

When you’re actively pursuing something, you’re not just wishing for it; you’re becoming it.

Instead of always wishing for something, some people get stuck wanting it, perhaps because they felt that way a lot during childhood. 

If your needs weren’t met back then, it might have felt normal to wish your parents were different.

Maybe you believe Mom or Dad couldn’t meet your needs, which creates a feeling of wanting and influences how you interact with others. That’s why looking into this can make a big difference.

Understanding the Impact of Unmet Needs

But know that this shifts when you stop always wanting and depending on something to make you feel complete. It’s about breaking free from relying too much on others. 

One way to do this is by noticing how attached you are to certain outcomes and realizing that you’ll be fine no matter what happens.

Just remind yourself, “I’ll be okay no matter what.” 

It’s not about not caring, it’s about knowing you’ll be alright no matter what. Whether you move the radio here or there doesn’t matter because you can focus on what you want, not just wish for it, but really feel it, choose it, and intend it. 

This change can really boost your energy.

Wrap it up

When you want something next time, know that it comes from feeling like you don’t have enough. 

Instead, act as if you already have it. 

Think of it as just a normal part of who you are. Don’t get stuck on thinking that getting it will make you happier. 

Remember, it’s not about where you put the radio; it’s about tuning into the right vibe. 

Let yourself feel those emotions more now, even if you haven’t got what you want yet.

Ultimately, everything in our world comes down to what we believe to be true. Our beliefs shape our reality. When we see something as crucial and believe we lack it, we put it on a pedestal.

Thanks for reading! Please take a moment to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Don’t forget to share if you found it informative ❤

Let me know what you think, I’m trying to keep it simple. God bless you, Love you all, take care!

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your support means the world to me. Thank you for being a part of this journey, and I look forward to sharing more stories with you in the future!

❤ Thank you Everyone! Love you all, Stay Vibrate Higher — Ryan Hwa❤

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