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How to Tune into the Frequency of Your Ideal Life
Imagine unlocking your dream life is like tuning a radio to the right station. And all the good stuff you want like abundance, love, health, opportunities, and great connections are already out there, just waiting for you to tune in.

You’re not creating something new, you’re just matching what’s already there. When you sync up with this vibe, you skip all the usual problems and effortlessly slip into the life you’ve been dreaming of.
In 2019, I stumbled upon something incredible that flipped my world upside down. I left my dull job and dove into full-time blogging.
In 2024, I reached more than 100,000 readers on my blog and bid farewell to my old gig.
Recently, I’ve been harnessing this same magic to break out of my comfort zone. What if the love you’re receiving is drawn to the positive energy you’re giving off right now? You need to feel that love inside you first before you notice it around you.
And you know what? It’s not as hard as you might think to do that.
Recently, there’s been a popular video on TikTok and Instagram saying we can get what we want by matching its frequency, that’s just how things work. In the video, a guy uses a tuning fork. When he taps it to another fork at the same frequency, boom, they start buzzing together.
Understanding and Embodying the Version of Yourself You Want to Experience
Imagine your dream life as a radio station — you’ve got to find its channel. It’s like tuning a bunch of tuning forks. If you want a life full of love, success, and doing what you love, you’ve got to match that vibe.
That’s when you’ll truly feel and live in harmony with your dream reality.
This isn’t about desperately wanting something or making it seem super important. It’s about understanding that the person you want to be is already inside you.
One of the first things I did to get on track with my dream life back in 2015–2019 was admitting that I was stuck in a job I didn’t really care about.
But there’s a version of me that’s a full-time Blogger. So, I began to check out what that me was all about. What did they think, feel, and do? What kind of stuff did they do? What were their habits and skills?
By using my imagination, I began to connect with the vibe of my dream life. Whether it’s from Neville Goddard or my favorite book, “The Science of Getting Rich” by Wallace Wattles, it’s all about picturing yourself there and really believing it’s possible.
It’s like stepping into the mindset of your dream life when you do this.
When you imagine your best self, the one who thinks, feels, and acts in a way that matches your dream life, you see that it’s already within reach. Then, you start aligning yourself with it.
That’s what I did in 2019 when I started thinking, feeling, and acting like a full-time Blogger. I understood that the full-time me wasn’t just posting articles every two weeks, that version of me was doing it daily on Medium and my blog.
Think about how what you do every day affects who you are.
Let’s say you start doing yoga regularly. If you keep it up, you might buy your own yoga mat and some comfy clothes instead of borrowing them.
Soon enough, you start seeing yourself as a yoga person. Your idea of who you are changes. So, whatever you keep doing regularly shapes how you see yourself.
Overcoming Familiar Problems and Toxic Situations to Welcome New Realities
Back in 2019, when I started making articles every day, I felt like I was changing. But there were challenges, old habits and doubts clashed with my dream of making it big.
I wanted to embrace this new direction, but old fears and worries got in the way.
Thoughts like “What will people think?” and “Am I good enough?” kept popping up. Fear showed up too, but it’s normal when you’re about to try something new.
This uncertainty often stops people from reaching their dreams.
It’s like becoming a different person, but what holds you back is sticking to what you know.
That’s why some people stay in bad relationships where one person controls everything.
They might try to leave but then feel scared because they’re used to the old way things were. You’ve gotta be brave enough to welcome change and say no to what hurts you instead of holding onto it.
Back in 2015–2016, I was in a 9-to-5 job with a lot of negativity. There was office drama, bosses treated us poorly, and we had to argue for personal thing. Because he was flirted my girlfriend at that time.
One boss, in particular, was really difficult to deal with and disrespected me and invading my personal romance life. We fought, but in the end he tried to apologize. Feeling betrayed and unfair treatment were deeply ingrained in my story.
Getting in sync with the reality you want means understanding your main stories because what you believe affects your life.
One big story for me was about life being unfair. From age 15 to 19, if I talked about romance problems, I’d get punished even more. Same thing at my 9-to-5 job in 2015 —2016 speaking up meant facing even more trouble. This sense of unfairness, betrayal, I knew well led me into certain situations.
To match your dream life’s vibe, you’ve got to notice the usual patterns and stories you tell yourself. Back in 2017 or 2018, I found a book called “The Science of Getting Rich,” which showed me how to bring in more wealth.
Some spiritual people see money as bad, but it’s just a form of energy.
The book talks about having a mindset focused on creating rather than competing.
Shifting from Competitive to Creative Mindset, Embracing Abundance over Scarcity.
In a competitive world, lots of people try hard to be better than everyone else. When my Blog started doing well in 2024, it made me change from thinking only about winning to focusing on being creative.
I noticed people copying the titles and images of my articles when they gained popularity. It made me feel like I wasn’t unique anymore, and others compared me to those imitating my content.
I began to feel competitive, attempting to control something beyond my reach. But then, a lesson from my job in 2015–2016 came back to me.
In a competitive mindset, people think success and customers are limited.
I used to fret that others’ success meant I missed out, which made me jealous and negative.
But switching to a creative mindset changed my view. I understood there’s enough success for everyone. I saw others’ achievements as opportunities for me too.
Shifting Perspectives, From Scarcity to Abundance and Understanding Energetic Realities.
From not having enough to having plenty changed how I interacted with my environment. “The Science of Getting Rich” says it’s important to imagine what you want clearly, believing in it strongly, and being thankful.
When you imagine and appreciate this idea regularly as if it’s already real, you make the creative powers work to make it true.
Now, taking care of your mindset every day is really important.
Now, let’s talk about something else important, the difference between different kinds of energy in our lives. Lots of people focus on wanting things, like love or money.
But when you want something, it means you don’t have it yet. What you really want is for someone to show you the same feeling that’s already inside you.
If you want a relationship or money, it’s because you want to feel the freedom you already have inside you.
To get this, it’s important to understand the difference between these realities.
Another idea from a book called Reality Transurfing is about importance. When we make something too important, we create what’s called excess potential.
This energy only reflects a sense of not having enough.
So, if you make something really important, like a job interview, and you put too much needy energy into it, the Universe can’t give it to you.
You’re not matching your ideal reality; you’re just wanting, and the Universe can only give you more of that.
Wrap it up
Remember, if you idolize someone, they’ll see you as a fan. This applies to situations and opportunities too. Realize that what you think will make you happy might not actually do so.
These things are just reflections of energy.
A key part of reaching your dream reality is understanding that what you want externally is really just about the feeling it will give you inside.
The feeling you’re after is already inside you.
You can find reasons to be grateful for what you have in life. How you treat yourself affects the people you attract. Treat yourself nicely. It’s funny, many people want to find love and keep searching for it.
But sometimes, I suggest they take a break. Stop looking. Just enjoy life. I don’t mean stay alone all day. I mean have fun, enjoy life, and be positive.
When you feel good, you naturally attract others to you.
Just let go of the resistance and the importance you place on needing a relationship. Many times, when people do this, they get what they want.
When you stop searching, it’s like finding your keys were in your pocket all along, but you were looking everywhere else. It’s similar.
Now, let it become a natural part of who you are.
I enjoy talking about my journey to becoming a successful blogger who travels the world doing what I love. For me, it feels natural. It’s not some crazy idea, you just let it happen.
To match your dream reality, realize it’s already there.
You don’t have to create it; just think, feel, and act like that version of yourself and accept it.
Clean up your energy by feeling the emotion of what you want. Feel it like it’s already true. Be thankful for it. Then, get ready by imagining it, feeling it, and then living it.
It’s not just about thinking or mystical stuff; you also need to do something.
Help others and make a difference. The more you give, the more you’ll get.
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your support means the world to me. Thank you for being a part of this journey, and I look forward to sharing more stories with you in the future!

❤ Thank you Everyone! Love you all, Stay Vibrate Higher — Ryan Hwa❤
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