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How to Vibrate as the New You

How to Vibrate as the New You

To unlock unparalleled transformation in your life, simply attune yourself to the frequency of the reality you desire. You don’t need to push it, it’s just about believing.

Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

In the end 2019 or earlier 2020, when I started writing articles on Medium and on the blogs that I worked with (included my blogs), I acted like the full-time writer I wanted to be, and things started changing for me. But lots of people stay stuck in their old thoughts.

Imagine it as changing channels on a radio. The dial finds different frequencies, which are already there all around us. 

So, when you switch to a new frequency, you connect with a different kind of energy.

Many people stay stuck on the same radio station because it feels comfortable from being there for a while. 

It feels like we’ve been tuned into this radio station since we were kids, and it’s familiar and comforting, even if it’s not always helpful. Sometimes, we might attract things we don’t want, but maybe they show us how we’re really feeling.

Transforming Your Life Through Inside-Out Change and Vibrational Alignment.

Lets learn together the game-changer that transformed my life, shifting me from hating my job to becoming a full-time blogger. It’s the key to feeling the emotions you desire inside, so they manifest in your life. 

This isn’t just about positive thinking or longing for what you lack, it’s about inner transformation.

The life you dream of and the person you want to become are already there. Every possible reality already exists. So, it’s about tuning into the version of yourself that matches the life you want, confident, happy in relationships, doing what you love, and living well. 

It’s possible because it’s already out there.

Now, the important thing is to connect with the reality you want. Think about a bubble around your body, that’s your energetic field. Inside it are your usual thoughts and feelings. 

These create different layers of energy, like your physical body and how you feel about yourself, such as feeling good or bad. These emotions make up your energetic field.

Tuning Your Energy Field to Manifest Your Ideal Reality

Our beliefs shape our reality, like a filter around us, letting us see only what matches our beliefs. In our relationships, we connect with the divine, tapping into universal energy and love, creating both shared and personal experiences.

The important thing is to match your energy with your best self, linked to the Divine. 

Your inner wisdom comes from this connection.

When we talk about this, remember that to reach your best self, you need to adjust your vibe to match. 

It’s like tuning a radio, you fine-tune your energy field. Also, saying ‘I want’ a lot makes you feel like you’re missing something. Actually having what you want feels different from just wishing for it.

Unlocking Desired Emotions through Vibrational Alignment

When you say “I want it,” you’re basically admitting you don’t have it. But if you say “I am it” or “I have it,” you’re putting yourself in sync with what you want. 

Just saying it over and over won’t work if you don’t really believe it. 

Instead, try to feel like you already have it. Think about the emotions you’d feel if you did. So, what feelings do you really want to feel?

Everything you want comes down to how you’ll feel. Let’s talk about abundance. Do you really just want money? Money doesn’t mean much on its own. We give it meaning. 

It represents buying stuff, feeling safe, or being free. 

But what you really want are those feelings. Maybe it’s feeling secure or having the freedom to travel that you’re after.

Think about money and wanting a relationship in the same way. When you want a relationship, what do you really want? Is it the feeling of being connected and loved? 

Here’s the interesting part: to change what’s happening outside, you need to start inside. 

What you feel inside reflects in your outer world. Love, security, freedom — they’re already in you. You don’t need things outside to feel them. The secret is using meditation and intention to tap into them.

Harnessing Emotions to Manifest Desires

Imagine adjusting your energy to match the person you want to become. Consider what you truly desire and how it makes you feel. Once you identify that feeling, focus on it regularly. 

Then, seek ways to experience that feeling daily. 

For instance, when I began blogging full-time, I wanted to feel free. I started appreciating the things I could already do without any restrictions. 

Even though I had a 9 to 5 job, I used to believe it kept me from feeling free. But during lunch breaks, I’d tell myself, “Hey, I can pick where I want to eat and what I want to read on my blog right now.” 

And that’s exactly what I did.

At lunch, I’d read blogs and watching youtube on my phone and feel free. After work, I’d focus on writing articles, feeling free too. 

I embraced the emotions I wanted. 

If you want a relationship, think about how you want to feel, like love and connection. So, here’s the deal. Right now, you can feel love and connection in your life. 

Everything in life is about connections, like with people, your goals, pets, or your body.

Focus on the relationships that make you happy. Spend time with nature, your pet, or close friends who appreciate you. 

Step outside to relax and enjoy time with loved ones.

When you focus on positive feelings and do what excites you, you’ll begin to notice opportunities and good things happening around you.

Harnessing the Power of Intention and Visualization for Manifestation.

Finding harmony with this new version of yourself is about realizing that the feelings you want, like love, joy, and peace, are already inside you. And when your vibes get higher, you don’t need to think so much. 

It’s cool because feeling love, joy, and peace just happens naturally, you’re not overthinking it, you’re just living it.

It’s like these good vibes are always around you, but your thoughts sometimes get in the way. So, if you want more love, joy, and peace, just pay attention to your thoughts instead of letting them control you. 

That helps you realize what you want and set goals. 

And hey, one thing I do is before bed, I think about having a great night’s sleep and remembering my dreams. As I fall asleep, I imagine how I want the next day to go, and you know what? It often turns out just like I hoped.

Before I fly, I imagine everything going smoothly at the airport. By doing this, I kind of make it more likely to happen. 

Today, I’m off to Paris, so I hope for a hassle-free trip. I don’t stress about it for hours; I just think positively about having a great day. I want to encourage others to believe in their own energy. 

When you want to help others, your intentions become even stronger. And don’t forget, the feelings you want are already inside you. 

You don’t need someone else to make you feel complete.

Every day, choose a feeling you want, then use a meditation or prayer to visualize it. There are lots of meditations to try. I choose to pray in the Islamic way and feel that emotion inside me.

Love, freedom, security — they’re all already in you. 

If you feel safe and in the moment in your own body, you’re ready to let Divine energy flow through you.

How Aligning Your Energy with Your Intentions Creates a Natural State of Abundance.

To get ready, you need to align your energy with what you want to experience. Don’t wait for things around you to change first. It’s like expecting a mirror to change its reflection without changing yourself. 

The change starts with you and then shows up around you, but it takes time.

For example, when I started writing blog articles, it took a few weeks for one to become popular. For others, it might take longer. 

It wasn’t like I wrote an article, and the next day I was living in a big house and traveling the world. 

That would be amazing, but that’s not how manifestation works. It’s not as instant as Ariana Grande’s song “I want it, I got it.” 

Even though she’s very successful, the important part is moving from “I want it” to “I got it.” 

If her song was just “I want it” over and over, it wouldn’t be as powerful. We need to stop wanting and start feeling like we already have what we desire.

I want it, I got it.” I used to always want things, but now I feel like I already have them. 

I’m not making fun of her, just having some fun. The key is to move from ‘I want it’ to ‘I got it’ without waiting for things around you to change. 

Remember, there’s always a delay in reality. 

You need to become what you want because it’s who you choose to be, not because you want to escape your current life.

The next step is to make this new identity feel normal. 

When we see something as amazing and out of reach, like saying, “It would be incredible to meet that person or have that much money,” we create a sense of neediness. 

This means it’s not yet part of who we are. 

To really get what you want, you need to stop giving so much importance to needing change.

As I’ve become more successful, it feels more natural. No matter how much money or how great your relationships are, these things alone won’t make you eternally happy. 

Once they feel normal, they’re no longer on a pedestal. 

For example, I’ve become more abundant than I imagined back in 2019, but now it feels normal. I’ve become the person who naturally experiences abundance and can buy what I want, when I want.

Material possessions it’s the experiences and emotional connections that truly fulfill us.

It’s funny now that I can buy almost anything I want, I’ve realized something important. I’m not trying to brag, but I could get pretty much anything I desire well, maybe not a skyscraper. But most things are within reach. 

Over the years, I’ve learned that having a lot of stuff doesn’t make you happy. I’ve come to understand this deeply.

When I first started blogging, I thought, “Wow, if I had that much money, I’d buy a fancy car or do something extravagant.” 

But now that I have it, it feels normal, and I know those things wouldn’t make me happy. You learn this through experience.

But the point is, over time, my values have changed. Material things don’t matter as much to me now, I value experiences more. I had to learn this about myself.

I’m sharing this to show that material possessions you think will make you happy often don’t. True happiness comes from energy, emotion, and connecting to a higher purpose.

So, basically, the point is to match what you want with who you are. I remember a time when I did this in my own life. 

I was imagining myself living in a specific apartment in South Jakarta, as I started to make more money. I really wanted to rent this apartment, but lots of other people were also trying to get it. 

Manifesting Your Ideal Reality through Visualization and Energetic Alignment.

Every night before bed, I imagined myself living happily in my perfect apartment. I imagined my daily routine, like making blog articles and enjoying being at apartment. 

I even thought about what the landlord might want in a tenant. 

So, I wrote a sincere letter explaining how much I loved the apartment and why it was important for me to live there while working from home.

What I did wasn’t just about impressing the landlord, but understanding what they really wanted. I didn’t just want to be a tenant, I wanted to be someone they truly liked having in their apartment

It wasn’t about flattering them, it was about showing gratitude, something I’d want too if I were them.

So, every night, I imagined myself living there, feeling like it was already true. It wasn’t about being desperate; it was about feeling right, like I belonged there.

It’s important to be okay with whatever happens because all the feelings you need are already inside you. 

Whether it’s about people or anything else, having that mindset of being okay either way is really important. Who knows, maybe the Universe, Allah, or whatever higher power you believe in understands your needs better than your own ego does. 

Letting things happen naturally means being here and now.

To build your dream life, concentrate on each day, manage your energy well, and engage in activities you enjoy daily. 

Begin your day with your peak creative energy and take one step towards becoming the person you aspire to be. For me, it was writing a blog article every day. Consistently doing this helped me align with the reality I desired.

Wrap it up

Every day, I focused on feeling secure, free, loved, and passionate. It became a routine. Remember, doing something every day adds up over time. 

That’s why meditation is effective — though it might not seem so initially, over weeks, it helps clear your mind. 

Eventually, your thoughts bother you less.

Focus on being a better version of yourself by helping others and letting that positive energy flow through you. 

Meditate every day to feel safe and free, and pray five times a day in the Islamic way as for me.

To be your best self, act and carry yourself as that person. Remember, you are who you choose to be every moment, always becoming a new version of yourself. 

By aligning with this new self, your energy will change, and your reality will reflect these changes.

There are two ways to do this: meditate to align your energy and take actions in the real world. 

Acting as your higher self might mean trying new things and stepping out of your comfort zone, even if it feels scary. Fear is often just excitement seen through a negative lens, trying to keep you in your “safe” zone.

To connect with this new reality, understand that fear and anxiety are normal but can be changed. 

Use the guided meditation daily to align with your new identity. Take consistent actions as your higher self, and your reality will begin to change.

Thanks for reading! Please take a moment to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Don’t forget to share if you found it informative ❤

Let me know what you think, I’m trying to keep it simple. God bless you, Love you all, take care!

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your support means the world to me. Thank you for being a part of this journey, and I look forward to sharing more stories with you in the future!

❤ Thank you Everyone! Love you all, Stay Vibrate Higher — Ryan Hwa❤

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