They can’t escape this cycle of abuse that keeps going in circles. The narcissist is always stuck in their own mess.

Narcissists are skilled at creating a false story that draws others in, making them believe in a fake persona. They thrive by trapping their victims in a fog of manipulation during the devaluation phase.
Understanding the narcissistic cycle involves four main parts:
First, there’s the love-bombing stage, a time when everything seems too good to be true and often is.
Next comes the long devaluation phase, where you feel like you’re just existing, longing for the initial happiness.
The third part is when the relationship ends whether you decide to leave or they do, a moment that deserves compassion.
Lastly, there’s the Hoover stage, where the narcissist tries to pull you back in, testing whether you’ve healed and can stay away. It’s crucial not to give in to this tactic, resisting the urge to go back to a cycle of pain.
The Narcissistic Cycle. Manipulation, Devaluation, and the Pursuit of Power
Narcissists thrive when they put you in the devaluation stage, it’s a confusing place because you’ve never experienced anything like it before. For narcissists, this is how they operate. They always want to feel better than others, like they deserve more.
They truly believe they’re better than everyone else.
When they trap someone like you who is bright, caring, and full of light, they enjoy seeing you struggle as they push you down in life. They like making you feel worthless and keeping you stuck in their games.
Once they’ve switched roles with you, they love the power they get from putting you down and keeping you under their control.
This cycle repeats with others, including their new targets and their next victims.
The narcissist keeps getting stuck in this destructive pattern, showing off a fake image of success and knowledge while hiding how empty they feel inside.
Take a moment to reread that part of the article. Go through it a few times because not everything in life is as clear-cut as it seems. We’re exploring not only narcissism but also the complexities of human behavior.
Not everyone you meet has to be a narcissist, but they often play a big role in abusive patterns, which is why you’re here reading this.
The narcissist remains trapped in their harmful cycle. When they find a new partner, their first goal is to appear single. Then, they try to hurt you or whoever they left behind deeply, aiming to cause lasting damage and keep you caught in their manipulative web.
This is their plan because narcissists are skilled at manipulating others and don’t believe anyone will heal or see through their facade.
They underestimate your strength to cut ties, block them, and remove their supporters from your life.
But you’ve already taken those steps. You’re part of this community, absorbing this article and gaining understanding. You know your well-being comes first. There’s no space in your life for toxic, self-serving people.
Achieving Healing and Freedom for Yourself After Narcissistic Relationships
You’re no longer stuck. Let’s say your relationship ended a few months or a couple of years ago, and you’re still healing. The good news is you’re out of that relationship. Even better, you’re healing, and my hope for you is to strive for complete indifference, where the narcissist and anyone from that time no longer affect you.
That’s what you should work toward.
For some, this might be their first step into understanding narcissism. The key thing is, if your relationship ended recently or a while back and you’re still healing, you’re not trapped.
You’re free and you can do what you want.
If you feel like sleeping in, go ahead. If staying up late suits you, go for it. Whether it’s writing like me, meditating or praying daily, exercising, or exploring new interests, the choice is yours.
These activities, along with reclaiming your hobbies, are part of your journey to healing.
That’s why many people return to articles like this over the years to reconnect, refresh, and pay it forward by leaving supportive comments. They were once where you are now, feeling lost and unaware of how narcissism impacts lives.
They didn’t realize the person they trusted was actually their foe, gathering information to cause harm.
Imagine the cycle of narcissism. It’s meant to confuse and drag people into deep trouble, into a swamp of manipulation, keeping them trapped.
Imagine yourself lost in a vast desert with no map or compass.
There’s no way to navigate, just endless dunes stretching all around. That’s where the narcissist placed you: trapped, not knowing where safety lies or how to find it.
But then, something changed. The clouds cleared, the sun came out. You looked ahead and spotted an oasis in the distance. Finally, a destination. Slowly, you began trekking towards that distant sanctuary.
It wasn’t instant, it took a lot of time and effort.
But day by day, you moved closer until, at last, you reached the oasis. Stepping onto solid ground, you felt relief wash over you. What a journey it had been, traveling through the harsh desert and unexpected challenges.
This is like finding the light at the end of a tunnel.
When you spot that light or see an oasis after drifting, focus on it. Today’s challenges won’t decide where you’ll be in three months, or a year.
Keep valuing yourself, recognizing your strength. Remember, the narcissist saw you as an energy source to drain, someone to diminish until they couldn’t anymore.
The Narcissist is always looking for chaos and shallow ambitions
The narcissist is stuck in a cycle they can’t escape. It’s how they always act, causing chaos in every relationship and never finding stability. They’re constantly moving, never fully committed, always chasing excitement and new things, it’s like their prison.
Imagine at night, if a narcissist’s phone dies, they’re left alone with their thoughts. They try to distract themselves or think about what they’ve done. Before they sleep, they think about the people they’ve hurt, the lies they’ve told, and what lies they’ll tell next.
They’re always planning their next move, their next target to control.
This cycle of scheming and searching defines their life, keeping them trapped in a cycle of never being satisfied and always chasing shallow ambitions.
The narcissist is always striving for a better life, aiming to improve themselves and the people around them. They see everyone, even their own family like siblings, children, as competitors.
Let me emphasize that they’re shallow, empty, and use their voice to manipulate others, fully aware of their power.
Despite their self-centeredness, there are moments when reality hits. Maybe it’s a song playing during a car ride, restless nights filled with worry, being ignored, or facing rejection, these are moments when they experience their own challenges.
From the start, I’ve believed in something unwavering. I don’t wish harm on anyone not on the narcissist, not on you, not on anyone.
I want everyone to improve. Often, this means doing what’s right, taking the higher path. Despite ongoing efforts to smear your reputation, my advice is consistent: don’t give them attention, let them fade away.
That’s what I’ve done, and I urge you to do the same. Adding fuel to negativity or staying connected with toxic people serves no purpose. It’s never helped anyone and never will.
Protecting Yourself from Narcissistic Manipulation and Drama
Imagine the narcissist living in a messy place like a pig pen, where they thrive on spreading gossip, manipulating others, and using tactics like lying and ignoring people. They want to draw you into their drama and arguments.
That’s why it’s best not to engage with them. Instead, choose to cut off contact and block them. When should you do this? Right now.
The narcissist is stuck in this pattern. They once trapped you too, making your life confusing and difficult. You never learned about this before. It’s hard to understand why someone would want to hurt others or ruin relationships.
Why would they feel jealous or resentful of you just for being yourself?
Think about this as someone who cares about others and wants to grow, it’s normal to face jealousy from people who don’t understand your positive outlook. They may wonder how you stay cheerful and always do the right thing.
The answer is simple: it’s part of who you are. You naturally want to help others and make the world better. But what you won’t accept is negativity from narcissists or any toxic people.
Not everyone who supports you understands your experiences or has the same empathy.
Some friends may seem close but aren’t reliable. Meanwhile, there are toxic people like narcissists who aim to bring you down completely. They’re everywhere, draining your energy, ruining relationships, and taking everything that matters to you like your time, money, effort, love, and kindness.
They do this for two reasons. First, it’s their nature to manipulate and take advantage. Second, they envy what you have and want it for themselves.
As I mentioned earlier, there’s an exchange of energy between a narcissist and their target. If you’re highly empathetic, you might fall into their trap, where they thrive in abusing others.
Once trapped, it’s hard to find a way out until you have that “aha” moment, realizing the toxicity of the relationship. You might question how you got into it, why you stayed so long, and how you broke free.
By now, you probably have some answers or are searching for them.
The important thing is to leave the narcissist behind, learn from the experience, understand how narcissistic abuse works, and focus on the present moment. Protect yourself not just today, but every moment going forward.
Strengthening Ourselves Against Narcissistic Manipulation Through Boundaries and Awareness
We’ve grown into wise empaths. We don’t overshare anymore. We set clear boundaries. We confidently say no — the strongest word out there. When you say no, you’re standing up for yourself. Narcissists hate this because it means they can’t control you.
Notice how they react when you stand firm. If they keep pushing you to do what they want, it’s time to say goodbye.
They’re not respecting your independence or your needs.
You’ve been down this road before. Now you know the signs. There’s no reason to deal with someone who doesn’t care about your well-being or listen to you.
They’re too focused on their own desires, trying to manipulate you. That’s why, after you’ve educated yourself about narcissistic relationships, you start by recognizing the narcissist.
Then, you reflect on other relationships like past romances, family dynamics, work situations, and community ties. It becomes clear: toxicity has been around you all along, but you didn’t see it.
The truth hits when you’re ready to learn, that’s when everything becomes clear.
On the other hand, narcissists have always known what they were doing, they’ve been controlling and manipulating people their whole lives, hoping to keep them under their control without them realizing it.
But for those of us on this journey, things have changed. We see through their tactics now. We spot toxicity right away and can’t ignore what we’ve uncovered.
The narcissist controlled us for so long in relationships, with family, even at work.
But once we understood their behavior, combined our experiences with education, wisdom took charge. It’s their game that’s over, not ours. That’s why I suggest cutting off contact and blocking them.
Once you grasp what narcissism is and how it affected you, no matter how long, you must break free. Don’t give them another chance. Don’t believe their act.
Value your time, health, and energy.
The world needs you, not someone stuck in a toxic relationship. The narcissist will find new targets, usually people who haven’t healed, unsuspecting individuals charmed by their facade, or others with toxic traits.
You were once their target, just like I was.
Before you, there was someone else, and before them, another. This is how they operate, keeping people divided, glued to screens, isolated, or tangled in relationships. But armed with knowledge and tools, you can escape their trap. You’ll heal and realize the narcissist faces their own struggles, living in their own toxic world.
Wrap it up
The narcissist tried to dump their negativity and bad feelings on you, making you think it was your fault. Perhaps you believed them for a while, until you realized it wasn’t yours to carry, it was theirs.
Life was good before they entered it. But when they did that, everything became chaotic, upsetting your peace and stability like a wrench thrown into calm waters.
Their goal was to keep you off-balance, without peace, direction, or clarity. They didn’t want you to find stability, heal, discover their true nature, or uncover your true purpose.
But you’ve turned things around.
You’ve identified the narcissist, begun your journey to heal, and are moving towards inner peace and calm. That’s the path you’re on now.
That concludes the article. This is Ryan signing off. True change begins with a spark.
Many are trapped in this cycle without understanding narcissism.
Remember, you were once there, like me. But now, you’re breaking free. The chains are off, and you’re shining brighter than ever. You’re not lost anymore. You’re standing strong, living your best life or starting to.
I hope you found my article informative and helpful.
Please let me know what you think, God bless you, Love you all, and take care!
Check out our publication about Narcissism if you want to learn more or join us to write: Me and Narcissism
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