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Making the Most of Your Perspective From Distance

Let’s talk about making the most of your perspective from distance. I’ve wanted to cover this for some time. It’s about those situations where you’re out of a narcissistic relationship, or maybe you were never in one, but you see someone else stuck in one and feel helpless to assist. We can’t just come and say, “Hey, I think your relationship is […]

If You Can’t Feel, You Can’t Hurt

This truth is clear. Narcissists show this well, they don’t feel anything. They may pretend, but they don’t know love or empathy. They take everything from you like your time, energy, love, and care. When you cry during a movie time together, they’re busy on their phones or they try to see you reaction, not understanding your tears. “Why cry? or […]

How Narcissists Often Reveal Their True Colors Over Time

Narcissists often think they’re cleverer than they really are. They assume others won’t see through their fake persona and underestimate our intelligence. How Narcissists Often Reveal Their True Colors Over Time ©Article cover made by the author. They thinks they’re better than everyone else and entitled to special treatment. They see people as either rivals or opportunities to exploit. But their […]

Here is Why Boundaries Are Something Narcissists Don’t Like

They ignored your boundaries before, ignore them now, and will keep ignoring them in the future. Here is Why Boundaries Are Something Narcissists Don’t Like ©Article cover made by the author. Let’s turn the tables, the narcissist has plenty of boundaries but they never let you in on them. You’re kept in the dark about where they are, who they’re with, or […]

The New You After Narcissistic Abuse

Going through a narcissistic relationship changes you deeply. You now see that you were undervalued, taken for granted, and treated poorly during that time. The New You After Narcissistic Abuse ©Article cover made by the author. You were always apologizing, doing unpaid tasks like driving and cleaning, and serving the narcissist. Before you met them, your life was going well. Then the […]

The Feeling When You Can’t Take It Anymore

After too many times of trust being broken and boundaries ignored by the narcissist. It’s when patience wears thin, and you can’t take any more. It’s when you realize you’ve had enough. The Feeling When You Can’t Take It Anymore ©Article cover made by the author. When you feel like you can’t take it anymore and the narcissist’s true colors are revealed, […]

The Things Narcissists Can’t Do for You

Let’s begin with closure, it’s something they won’t give you. They avoid it, leaving you in limbo instead of providing clarity. Once you healed, you won’t be the same person anymore. ©Photo of the author After breaking free from a narcissistic relationship, those who were left behind or chose to walk away often hope for closure. But here’s the reality […]

Narcissists Are Stuck in a Never-Ending Cycle

They can’t escape this cycle of abuse that keeps going in circles. The narcissist is always stuck in their own mess. Narcissists Are Stuck in a Never-Ending Cycle ©Article cover made by the author. Narcissists are skilled at creating a false story that draws others in, making them believe in a fake persona. They thrive by trapping their victims in a fog […]