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5 Little-Known Red Flags of a Covert Narcissist

Spotting a covert narcissist is not easy because they don’t show the usual signs like the more obvious narcissists do. They don’t act grand or entitled, in fact, they seem quite the opposite. They might seem caring and empathetic, showing interest in helping and saving you from your troubles. You might think they’re sincere and willing to be vulnerable, traits […]

True Meaning Behind a Narcissist’s Rage

Every narcissist quickly and easily feels rage. Why? Because it makes them feel like they’re in control and powerful over others. It helps them avoid looking at themselves and feeling vulnerable. Let’s discuss why narcissists experience rage. When they lash out, whether by shouting or being passive-aggressive, what’s really happening? I’m Ryan, a narcissism expert and writer who assists individuals […]