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When You See the Narcissist for Who They Really Are

Today’s topic is about When You See the Narcissist for Who They Really Are. Knowing the real person behind the mask, instead of who you hoped they were, is a key part of healing. During the relationship, you probably gave the narcissist many chances. You didn’t trust your gut feelings, ignored the red flags, and saw a twisted version of reality. […]

How Skilled Narcissists Are at Setting Traps

Today, let’s talk about how skilled narcissists are at setting traps. They have trapped many people throughout history and even now all over the world. Narcissists enjoy setting traps and take pleasure in waiting for unsuspecting people to fall into them. Narcissists often enter relationships pretending to be kind and caring, but their true selfishness emerges once trust is built. They […]

What a Narcissist Often Keeps Back in a Relationship

Let’s talk about what a narcissist often keeps back in a relationship. I wrote an article about this in the past, but I’ve received many emails asking why narcissists hold things back and why they act the way they do. So, I’m going to cover it again and add more details. Let’s get started. When you’re with a narcissist, they hide […]

Knowing When a Narcissist Changes Their Mask

Let’s talk about knowing when a narcissist changes their mask. This mask is the one they always wear. Narcissists usually show two main sides: one in private and another in public. Not always, but often, narcissists lead double lives, switching between different personalities depending on who they’re with. In every relationship with a narcissist, there’s a moment when they feel the […]