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The Power of Knowing When to Do Nothing

It’s an important skill, especially when dealing with narcissistic relationships, both during and after. Many times in life, the best thing to do is just not to act. Let’s look at some examples from before you knew a narcissist and everyday situations. Imagine it’s a windy day outside, with gusts of wind and occasional showers, and you feel like going […]

Here Is How and Why You Succeeded Against the Narcissist

Today’s topic is about how and why you succeeded against narcissist. Let’s talk about winning, narcissists always want to win. They see every relationship and interaction as a competition, always trying to be better than everyone else. When it comes to narcissists thinking they’re winning in a relationship with you, it’s because you didn’t know about narcissism. No one talk about […]

How Narcissists Take Your Attention Away

Let’s talk about how narcissists take your attention away. Distraction happens when you’re supposed to be focused on one thing, but something else grabs your mind, making you look away. Imagine you’re at work, focused on your tasks, when suddenly you hear a loud crash from the kitchen. Someone dropped a coffee mug, startling you and pulling your attention away. […]

How Narcissists Wiggle Their Way Into Our Lives

Let’s talk about how narcissists wiggle their way into our lives. Wiggling is like something slowly sneaking into a system, a person, or a relationship over time. That’s precisely how they operate. They invade people’s lives. The narcissist definitely found their way into your life for a while during that relationship. Maybe you’re still in it, or maybe you’re planning your […]

The Trust Issues in Relationships with Narcissists

I want to talk about the trust issues in relationships with narcissists. One big problem with narcissists is they never earned your trust. Let’s dive deeper into this. Let’s discuss trust, it’s essential in any good relationship. Trust is built on being honest and dependable. Whether it’s with a parent, partner, or friend, you trust them to tell the truth, and […]

Can the New Supply Spot the Red Flags of Narcissistic Behavior?

There are three possible types of new supply. The first type is someone like you used to be, someone who doesn’t know about narcissism and hasn’t experienced narcissistic abuse yet. People who haven’t been with a toxic narcissist before are in the first type. They’re like a blank canvas to the narcissist, ready to be influenced. They enter the narcissist’s world […]

How Does a Narcissist Spy on an Ex?

I want to discuss how does a narcissist spy on an ex. I’ve been wanting to write this article for a while. Let’s explore the ways narcissists watch and control, which likely started when you first met them. Many of you have met narcissists in different ways, before smartphones were common, this applies to everyone’s experience. From the first time you […]

What Comes After the Aftermath of Validation

Let’s discuss what comes after the aftermath of validation. Just as you see the leaves turning green around us and new life sprouting all over, that’s what you can expect after dealing with a narcissistic relationship. As you begin to heal, everything will start feeling fresh and full of possibilities. You may not be fully healed yet, but you’re starting to […]

Making the Most of Your Perspective From Distance

Let’s talk about making the most of your perspective from distance. I’ve wanted to cover this for some time. It’s about those situations where you’re out of a narcissistic relationship, or maybe you were never in one, but you see someone else stuck in one and feel helpless to assist. We can’t just come and say, “Hey, I think your relationship is […]

If You Can’t Feel, You Can’t Hurt

This truth is clear. Narcissists show this well, they don’t feel anything. They may pretend, but they don’t know love or empathy. They take everything from you like your time, energy, love, and care. When you cry during a movie time together, they’re busy on their phones or they try to see you reaction, not understanding your tears. “Why cry? or […]