They’re constantly craving something they can never seem to grasp, something they call “supply”. It’s like they’re always chasing after an elusive feeling of being full, but no matter how much they consume, they’re left wanting more.

As if they’re running after a shimmering oasis in the desert, always just out of reach. For them, there’s no such thing as having “enough”. Their whole existence revolves around this insatiable desire, a craving that defines who they are.
Imagine yourself excelling in your career or business maybe you were a doctor, lawyer, teacher, or manager. Your accomplishments meant a lot to you, but to the narcissist, they were just something to conquer.
They didn’t cheer for your success, instead they saw it as a challenge.
Always competing, always criticizing, they saw you not as a partner but as a rival.
In the beginning, you might have fallen for them. But now we understand, a narcissist can’t love anyone, not even themselves. They lack empathy, only caring about what they want.
It’s confusing to love someone who can’t love you back, especially when terms like “triangulation” or “smear campaign” weren’t familiar to you. We didn’t learn about these abusive behaviors, like ignoring you or giving you the cold shoulder, that would become all too familiar.
The Deceptive Cycle of Narcissistic Love-Bombing and Uncommitted Grooming
Now that you understand the definitions and have learned from your own experiences with a narcissistic relationship, you’re gaining wisdom. It’s important to use this newfound wisdom in your life now, especially when setting boundaries.
But here’s why it was never enough for the narcissist: they would say whatever it took to get you into the relationship, showering you with love and excitement.
Once they felt they had you committed maybe after you said “I love you” made future plans together, or made a big promise they knew they had you trapped.
That moment became a point of no return for you.
Remember, in every narcissistic relationship, the narcissist is never fully committed. Even during the phase where they showered you with affection, they were grooming others for attention too, without you knowing. And their need for attention isn’t just about romance, they seek it in various ways, not just with a romantic partner.
Narcissists can be anyone, your siblings, parent, neighbor, coworker, or someone from your community or hobby group.
They could even be from your workplace or within your faith community. They’re everywhere, a fact you might not have realized before but now understand. Setting boundaries is crucial now.
Not everyone deserves your trust equally.
When you were in that relationship with a narcissist, you were likely believing in the image they presented. Remember, narcissists wear masks. They draw you in with promises of a perfect relationship, making you think you’ve found someone special.
It all seemed too good to be true, and it was.
Once they felt they had you committed, maybe after you expressed love or made big changes, their facade started to crack.
The chase ended for them once they knew they had you trapped. They began seeking admiration elsewhere while keeping you stuck in a cycle of devaluation. For a narcissist, nothing is ever satisfying enough.
The Vicious Cycle of Narcissistic Exploitation and Betrayal
The narcissist collects people’s hearts, relationships, time, money, and energy, everything that makes us human. Their whole existence revolves around taking and never being satisfied.
Once they’ve drained one source, they move on to the next.
When they trap someone in a harmful bond or start treating them poorly, the pain runs deep. It’s heartbreaking to love someone who turns out to be abusive and harmful.
You once trusted them, believed in their promises of change and care. Now you realize they were never truly concerned about your well-being, neither in the past, nor now, and never will be.
In this world, there are three kinds of people. First, there are those who are indifferent, they don’t know or care about you. Then, there are a few rare ones who genuinely care about your well-being, though they’re hard to find.
It’s tough to accept, but that’s how it is.
Lastly, there are people who want to hurt you like narcissists. They envy and resent you, sometimes even wishing they were you. But what they fear most is your bright light shining brighter than anything else.
Narcissists try to dim that light, suppress your positivity, empathy, and love for as long as they can. They live in negativity, while you radiate positivity, even if you didn’t realize it then.
Now you understand it was never about how successful or wealthy you were. Even if you owned nations or had immense power, it wouldn’t satisfy a narcissist. They would always find a reason to criticize and control you.
Narcissistic Manipulation, Undermining Self-Worth Through Criticism and Exploitation
Imagine you crafted a masterpiece artwork. The narcissist would always find ways to criticize it saying it lacks originality, isn’t as impressive as others’, or doesn’t resonate with people just to make you doubt its value.
They’d do the same with money. If you were financially comfortable, they’d try to exploit your wealth because they value money more than they value you.
Then, they’d compare your financial success to others’, emphasizing someone else’s greater achievements, which diminishes your sense of accomplishment.
Simultaneously, they’d continually demand favors like expensive trips, luxury cars, or extravagant gifts to exert greater control over you. This ongoing criticism gradually undermines your self-assurance, erodes your identity, and plants seeds of uncertainty and insecurity.
It’s a tough reality both you and the narcissist now understand, they can never be satisfied.
Every narcissistic relationship is doomed to fail, that’s clear now. Back then, you didn’t know about narcissism or that these relationships have an end date.
Most importantly, you didn’t realize that nothing you did would ever be good enough.
No matter your successes, awards, immense wealth, even if you owned your own business it wouldn’t satisfy them. They’d always find ways to compare you to others, whether real or imagined.
They’d doubt your achievements, always searching for flaws in who you are.
These examples show how immature narcissists are. Their narrow view keeps them stuck in a cycle of abuse that never stops. But you can break free. Maybe you’ve already taken steps like cutting off contact, blocking them, and removing anyone linked to them.
Surviving Narcissistic Manipulation, Using the Grey Rock Method and Recognizing Endless Testing
If you can’t block them right now or you’re not ready, try the Grey Rock method. Blend in, be boring, and stay under the narcissist’s radar. Don’t share too much, don’t justify yourself, don’t show emotions, and keep personal things private.
Because whatever you do, it will never be enough for them.
Think about the time you spent in that narcissistic relationship waiting for them to finish work, helping them get ready in the mornings, waiting for their calls and texts, and sitting alone at the dinner table after long workdays.
They’d promise to be home on time after work but often came much later, blaming work or looking for excuses.
All your efforts were never enough, and the narcissist was always testing you.
They tested your patience, your thoughts, your mental health, your money, and even your relationships with your kids, family, friends, and coworkers. The narcissist watching everything you do, checking if you’re still enjoying your hobbies or keeping active on social media.
They observe you closely, whether up close or from afar.
Now, let’s talk about how they text a game that never satisfies them. While most people stick to one smartphone, narcissists handle two, three, or more. That’s not all, they also use laptops, tablets, and other devices for social media, dating apps, and other platforms they use to control others.
Thinking back on their texting tricks, whether during or after the relationship, you might remember confusing messages. They’d bring up old memories suddenly or send strange texts that didn’t make sense. It was all part of their plan to keep you confused and reliant on them.
Understanding How Narcissists Use Texting to Confuse and Superficially Engage
Imagine the confusion they deliberately cause. Even as I explain it now, it might sound perplexing, but that’s their strategy. In a narcissistic relationship, getting texts that seem like they’re for you but might not be adds to the confusion, especially if you’re not familiar with narcissism.
It could be meant for you or just sent out to see who responds.
Now, about their texting habits. They’d send you simple questions like “How’s your day?” or “Where are you?” They keep it basic and ordinary. Narcissists are often really dull.
If you know what I mean, let me know in the comments. They lack depth they just mirror back what they think others want to hear, without much real meaning.
When they messaged you, you’d drop everything to reply quickly.
No matter what you were doing, you’d write detailed responses, making sure everything was perfect. You’d check spelling, dot every ‘I’, and cross every ‘T’, feeling like you had to update them on every part of your life or answer their questions right away.
Think about what happened after you poured your heart into a text, because that’s what you were trained to do.
Maybe you asked, “When are you coming home?” And what did they do? They read it and didn’t reply, or just sent a short “K” or “not sure.” They left you hanging, wondering. That’s how these narcissists play their texting games, they never seem to stop.
That’s why blocking them often makes sense.
They use texts to manipulate endlessly. They enjoy making you wait, distracting you from things like exercise, hobbies, work, or taking care of your family.
Their aim is to drain your energy, which they did so well during your time together.
But now, hopefully, they can’t do that to you anymore. You’ve broken free from their hold, escaped their cycle, and you’re healing, or maybe you’ve already healed.
That’s the way forward. It means leaving them behind, learning from the past, focusing on the present, and knowing that despite their attempts to break you, you’re still standing strong.
Understanding You Can’t Satisfy Someone Who Always Wants More
You’ve come out stronger than ever, transformed into a resilient version of yourself. That toxic relationship with the narcissist, the toughest you’ve faced, marks the beginning of your healing journey.
Meanwhile, the narcissist moves on easily, seeking new people without a care.
It’s important to be kind to yourself. No amount of money or time, imagine doubling the hours in a day would ever satisfy the narcissist. They keep being toxic and hurtful, no matter what you gave up.
Even if you had lots of money, it wouldn’t be enough.
The time you spent, the promises you made even if you married them were never good enough. They’d dismiss all the time you spent raising kids and all the things you did for them as not important.
Understanding How Narcissists Devalue and Abandon, Seeing the Reality of Unequal Care
Imagine if the narcissist got sick and you took care of them, maybe more than once. But once they got better, here’s what would happen. First, they’d act like your help wasn’t that important. Second, they’d say they didn’t need your help at all. Third, they’d brush off your efforts, saying you should have done it anyway.
Now, think about if you were the one who got sick.
Would the narcissist be there for you? No way. They’d disappear, hoping you’d just fade away, ignoring your need for support or medical care.
In a narcissistic relationship, it becomes clear when you’re honest with yourself. They don’t want to change, they only get worse over time. Staying in such a relationship longer than you have to is a mistake.
Because no matter what you do, it will never be enough.
People often wonder if they could have done things differently to stay in the relationship. Maybe they could have, but once you realize it’s a trap that drains your money, health, social life, and everything else, why would you want to stay?
So, you wouldn’t. But to answer the question differently it’s the same question you could have tried doing things differently. But that would only delay the inevitable, the end of the narcissistic relationship.
Maybe changing a bit could have made it last another day, week, month, or even longer, but it would still end. Every narcissistic relationship has a limit and you’re figuring that out now.
Why drag on a relationship that only hurt you more and more? It made you feel small, always ignored, undervalued, and less important. Why? Because nothing you did was ever good enough.
The Narcissist would always find someone new.
They’ll eventually discard them, or maybe they’ll leave first. And what does the Narcissist do then? Move on to the next person. It keeps repeating, the old supply becomes new again, just like it did with you and me.
In toxic relationships with narcissists, there’s no stability, no taking responsibility, no growth, and definitely no teamwork.
It’s always about them, never about us.
That’s why, when you understand narcissism better now than before, you see that back then, in that relationship, you didn’t know what you know now. With this understanding, you can spot the signs in future relationships. If you see red flags, trust your instincts, and don’t hesitate to walk away.
Recognizing Narcissists’ Inability to Change
We don’t give people endless chances anymore maybe one, maybe two, but it’s on our terms. We decide who stays in our lives, we won’t let anyone take advantage of us day after day, week after week, year after year.
That’s what narcissists do.
Now that we know ourselves better and are healing, we realize nothing we did in that narcissistic relationship could ever satisfy them.
Narcissists are unlikely to change, they don’t appreciate anyone They’re always worried about their past mistakes, the lives and relationships they’ve ruined.
They’re half in, half out, always chasing the next new thing, the new person who can make them feel important.
They avoid taking responsibility, lie, cheat, and manipulate, drifting through life without a clear direction, searching for someone to boost their ego.
That’s just how they are, they can’t change. As time passes, they just become aging narcissists. The Aging narcissist is someone you’d rather not encounter. They are bitter, jealous, and always blame others for their own failures.
Wrap it up
That concludes our article. This is Ryan. Remember, that true change begins with a spark. Keep moving forward every day and always prioritize yourself, because you deserve it.
You are a brilliant, radiant soul. You are more than just a supply. Supplies are like wipes, towels, Kleenex, or Clorox. That’s not you.
You’re a vibrant, abundant human being, reaching heights you never imagined.
You’ve moved past the narcissists and anyone else from your past. That’s your journey. Understand, it was never about being enough for the narcissist, whether in the past, present, or future.
No matter who they’re with or what they do, they won’t find happiness. They always chase the next new thing, the next relationship, while harming their current partner.
I hope you found my article informative and helpful.
Please let me know what you think, God bless you, Love you all, and take care!
Check out our publication about Narcissism if you want to learn more or join us to write: Me and Narcissism
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Thanks for sharing. I read many of your blog posts, cool, your blog is very good.