Going through a narcissistic relationship changes you deeply. You now see that you were undervalued, taken for granted, and treated poorly during that time.

You were always apologizing, doing unpaid tasks like driving and cleaning, and serving the narcissist. Before you met them, your life was going well. Then the narcissist came along and shaped you into their ideal person.
They trapped you with their false persona, making you believe in a perfect illusion of love, promises, and happiness.
But it wasn’t real, just a fragile façade.
Their relationship with you was unstable, like a tower built on shifting sands. They used you to advance in life, just as they’ve done with others before you, and likely continue to do with their new partner.
Draining Your Resources and Taking Everything They Could
During that relationship you were likely a people-pleaser, always saying yes and giving without limits. You didn’t have boundaries, saying no felt impossible. As time passed, you realized your own energy and resources were draining away.
The weight of the relationship grew heavier each day.
Once the narcissist had you hooked after showering you with love, they did little else. Their task was complete, and they began devaluing you, slowly taking your time, money, energy, and love.
They took everything they could.
Let’s talk about money for a moment. Maybe you had a lot before the relationship or came into some during it, like inheritance, selling property, a work bonus, or another source side hustle.
If you get the money, the narcissist would make sure it disappeared.
In these relationships, they care mostly about themselves and your money, though not always.
When you were with them, you believed in their lies and promises. You imagined a future together like growing old, starting a business, raising a family, or moving somewhere new.
It was all illusions, and I know how convincing it can seem.
The main point is that narcissists often aimed to slowly drain you of everything you had, once your resources were nearly gone, they’d look for someone new to exploit.
They always seek to improve their own situation, avoiding those who lack resources or health, or whose bank accounts are empty or minus, that’s how they operate in life.
Manipulative Tactics of Narcissists in Relationships
They charge through life like a wrecking ball, taking whatever they want from kind-hearted, empathetic people like you. When they find someone like you or me, they think like “Yes! This person doesn’t know their true worth also they have resources, connections, money, time, empathy, and love to give. Perfect!”
You’re not just anyone, they saw something special in you that drew them in and made you believe their lies.
After the initial charm wore off, they tested you start from your loyalty, strength, and commitment.
They demanded obedience on their terms.
If you didn’t comply, they would disappear, punish you, explode in anger, verbally abuse you, or give you the silent treatment for days.
This is how they handle relationships, manipulating until they get what they want. If they detect wisdom, boundaries, or self-respect in someone, they’ll likely move on, preferring those who underestimate their own value and have plenty to offer.
Narcissists target people like us who may not recognize their manipulative behavior.
They’re always searching for new targets to control, whether in business, relationships, parenting, or financial matters. Eventually, these relationships fall apart, much like yours did.
When I say “break” I mean you were probably abandoned. If so, my sympathy goes out to you. If not, maybe you ended things yourself and walked away. Either way, healing after a narcissistic relationship is crucial for you.
Narcissists, however, don’t want to heal.
They just move on to new people to exploit, without bettering themselves. They avoid self-reflection and blame others for the relationship’s end.
During your time with them, the narcissist waited for any sign of resistance or boundaries from you. That alone could lead to them leaving you or finding an excuse to end things.
Often, they manipulate you into doing the emotional work, pushing you until you end it, a tactic known as “reverse discard” where they subtly make you do what they wanted all along.
Going Through Post-Narcissistic Healing and Growth
After a narcissistic relationship, there are many layers to uncover, like peeling an onion. As you distance yourself from the narcissist, your mind clears, your health improves, and stability returns. Your focus on goals and dreams becomes sharper, it’s a time for setting clear directions and strengthening boundaries.
You realize the relationship knocked you down but didn’t knock you out, you’re getting back up.
You’re not the same person you were before or during that relationship. Now, you’re either in the best version of yourself or on your way there, the strongest and most resilient.
It’s about learning from the past and applying those lessons now.
It’s about living in the moment, slowing down, reflecting deeply, and integrating what you’ve learned.
Processing is crucial through reading, journaling, writing, watching videos, meditation, pray, addressing past hurts, or seeking therapy. This helps tie up loose ends from the past, allowing you to fully embrace the present and shape a new future, taking action now is essential.
During that relationship, it felt like being adrift in rough seas without a compass. The narcissist was actively trying to sink your boat, not let it stay afloat.
After the relationship, something changed, maybe you had a moment of clarity during it.
You stumbled upon a crucial insight, perhaps from online sources and suddenly everything made sense. You learned what narcissism really meant, and as you understood it better, you started seeing its patterns in people around you like your mom, dad, sibling, or others close to you.
These moments were like turning on a light in a dark room.
You dove into learning more about narcissism and how it had affected your life. Perhaps you realized it had shaped your upbringing in your family.
That pivotal moment of discovering this information transformed you deeply. It wasn’t just about gaining knowledge, it was about understanding your own experiences and how they had shaped you.
Mastering Boundaries and Self-Empowerment
Understanding narcissism changes everything. Before, you excused the narcissist’s behavior because you didn’t realize what it truly meant. Now, you see the signs clearly. You can spot an energy drainer and choose who you interact with.
Saying no becomes your way of saying yes to yourself, it’s your strongest tool.
This is a key theme in many of my recent articles because learning to say no is essential, it saves your energy
Avoid responding to their attempts to pull you back (Hoovering), ignore their messages, and refuse to engage with them. Understand their tactics because they relied on you, but you never needed them.
If you felt stuck in a trauma bond, you’re now breaking free or working towards it.
Narcissists depend on others, that’s why they try to pull you back trying to stay on your mind, pulling you back into their circle, even if only briefly. Sometimes, they test if you’ve healed, seen through their mask, or become strong enough to resist their tactics.
I strongly recommend cutting off contact with these people like block them, delete them, and avoid their friends and supporters. If that seems impossible, try the gray rock method be boring and don’t share personal details or anything that might interest them.
Let them fade away, as they likely did when they left you.
Healing from the abuse of a narcissistic relationship is essential, but it won’t happen overnight. You can’t ignore the pain or pretend it didn’t happen.
You won’t go back to who you were before, my experience shows that’s not possible.
But you will grow and change from the person you were during that relationship. You’ll move forward, vibrating at a higher level than before.
By leaving the narcissist and their toxicity behind, processing your feelings, meditating, praying, journaling, and slowing down, you’ll see that the relationship may have knocked you down, but it didn’t defeat you. You’re here now, stronger than ever.
Surviving Beyond Narcissistic Manipulation
Now you’ve become a new you, approaching a place of complete indifference, the peak of not caring. It’s been a journey through challenges, a rebirth where you’ve picked yourself up, brushed off the dust, and focused on healing and self-care.
That’s what you’ve achieved.
Remember in the past the narcissist thrived on keeping you unsettled, they’d text early in the morning or come home late to keep you on edge.
They’d reply with a short “K” or leave your messages unread to unsettle you further. They’d take calls at odd times and sneak off to the bathroom with multiple phones, not for the reasons you might think, but to keep secrets and manipulate new targets.
These are the games narcissists play, the manipulative tactics they use through messages and more.
Narcissists silence people by silencing their voices and controlling them. They collect people and exploit broken hearts and ruined relationships to satisfy their own needs.
They never get better, they only get worse over time. If you’re stuck in this cycle, breaking free will be the most important thing you can do.
To leave a narcissist, you need a clear plan.
It means cutting off emotional, financial, physical, and spiritual ties, each one is crucial for your freedom. Remember, you’re not the same person you used to be, you’ve changed profoundly.
Every day, every person grows and learns. Life is always changing, the difference with narcissists is they change their behavior, not to improve, but to keep control over you without growing themselves.
Finding Strength After Healing from Narcissistic Abuse
You’ve chosen to change, as I always say at the end of my articles. True change begins with a spark, which is why you’re healing or have already healed.
Through reflection and journaling, you’ve grown and evolved.
Now, your priority is yourself. There’s no room for narcissists, toxic people, or energy drainers in your life anymore. Once you’ve severed ties with the narcissist, a world of possibilities, abundance, and positivity awaits you.
Don’t entertain their attempts to pull you back (Hoovers).
Remember, narcissists thrive on manipulation and need others to feel significant. They play mind games to control and devalue, but you’ve moved beyond their influence.
You’ve broken free from the cycle of narcissistic abuse or are close to doing so. As you move towards indifference, the place where many of us stand.
You’re entering a zone of empowerment.
We’re here to support you, offering a helping hand to lift you higher. There’s ample space for you to thrive here, free from toxicity and narcissism, just room for your growth and well-being.
Rising Strong After Overcoming Challenges
You’ve shouldered the burden, put in the effort, and fortified yourself against harm. Now, you’re a stronger, changed, and resilient version of yourself. Your path forward clears once you leave the narcissistic relationship behind and refuse to look back.
Your past no longer defines you, these are absolute truths.
You’ve conquered challenges you never thought you’d face. It was like facing an overwhelming force that brought cycles of abuse like mental, verbal, emotional, physical, financial, and spiritual.
Whether the narcissist left you or you chose to end things, you began a healing journey and succeeded.
Today, you’re stronger than ever.
You’ve grown, while the narcissist remains stuck, unable to change, trapped in their darkness. You’ve risen above their influence, elevated beyond the everyday struggles they cling to. You shine brighter now, liberated from the negativity they perpetuate.
Wrap it up
I’ve emphasized it to go no contact, block these people. Recognize how far you’ve come. Narcissists can’t affect you anymore, they’re like pebbles on the ground, insignificant.
You used to be their world, but now they’ve lost that.
Whether you’re healing or healed, you’ve shut the door on their influence.
You’re moving forward, keeping your distance, and getting a better life.
Remember: act now, not later.
That wraps up this article. This is Ryan, remember that true change begins with a spark.
Feeling inspired today, I might write more.
Time will tell, but I hope this piece resonated with you. Share it if you can, and if you’re able, support those around you like family and friends.
I hope you found my article informative and helpful.
Please let me know what you think, God bless you, Love you all, and take care!
Check out our publication about Narcissism if you want to learn more or join us to write: Me and Narcissism
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