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How to Control Your Mind for Effective Conscious Manifestation

How to Control Your Mind for Effective Conscious Manifestation

Most people are guided by their subconscious minds, drawing in situations similar to their childhood. They live with unconscious thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and habits, repeatedly creating the same patterns without even realizing it.

©Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

When you realize that what you want is already in your mind, things become easier. This understanding helps you let go of obstacles that have been holding you back. 

That’s when you stop bringing in the same kinds of people and situations from your past.

In this article, I’ll discuss a key concept I’ve been reflecting on recently. It’s been instrumental in turning my dream life into a reality. 

I believe it can shift your perspective on achieving goals, encouraging greater awareness instead of simply going through the motions unconsciously.

Understand what consciousness means. It’s basically all your habits, thoughts, feelings, actions, and behaviors that affect your life. While consciousness covers everything, being aware of it lets you make changes and control where it’s heading.

Moving from Unconscious Habits to Empowered Choices

Think about all those people who stuck in jobs they don’t like, watching the news all the time. They’re in a rut, feeling trapped and negative about their lives. 

Reacting to everything makes them easy to control. Some don’t even realize how they’re living. That’s where awakening comes in. 

When you realize your true potential, you’re finding your real self.

Imagine waking up from sleep, it’s like discovering a whole new world of awareness. Just like a dragonfly that begins life underwater as a tadpole, surrounded by floating objects. 

One day, it decides to reach for a leaf, soaking in the sunlight. As it changes into a dragonfly, it enters a brand-new reality, flying freely in a world it’s never experienced before.

This shows how people differ in how they create their lives without even knowing it. 

Many people don’t realize their habits, like always wanting approval. They want good relationships and to avoid bad vibes, but they don’t see how they’re part of the problem.

Unconscious Patterns in Love and Relationships, How They Affect Who You Attract and Your Happiness.

In our everyday interactions, there’s a hidden pattern guiding us. Most of us don’t even notice it, but it pushes us to always want others to like us and pay attention to us, even if we forget about what we really want. 

This ends up trapping us in a cycle where we keep feeling like things happen to us, and we don’t even realize we’re part of it. 

When we try to meet our own needs, we unintentionally attract people who might take advantage of us or try to control us. It’s like we’re wondering why love seems so hard to find, but it’s right there, just out of reach.

The key to finding love is realizing that it’s not something we can only get from someone else. 

When we understand this, we open the door to consciously creating our reality. 

By exploring our inner selves, we can uncover the hidden patterns that influence us, shining a light on them and bringing them into our awareness.

Once you know about it, you might think, “I’ve been stuck in this same old cycle without even realizing it, and it’s been bringing certain kinds of people into my life.” You might want a good relationship, but these hidden patterns might be keeping you from it without you realizing.

Understanding Conscious Manifestation and Self-Awareness.

The people we meet can teach us valuable lessons. Maybe it’s learning to avoid harmful influences, discovering our inner strength, or being open to new and sometimes uncomfortable experiences. 

These lessons reflect what’s going on inside us.

Lots of people really want things like love, but they don’t realize the hidden patterns that guide what they do. 

So, a big part of making your desires happen is being aware of your body, recognizing those patterns, and not letting them control how you react.

Many try to make their dreams come true thinking they’re missing something, believing what they want is out there somewhere. 

But that’s not how it works. Reality shows what’s inside you like your vibe, decisions, habits, and mindset. So, knowing yourself is the first step to picking the vibes you want to bring along.

Understanding Patterns, Healing, and Energetic Awareness.

Let yourself feel so you can see those feelings show up in your life. If there are old problems we haven’t dealt with, especially from our relationships with our parents, which affect how we view ourselves and the world. 

We might accidentally put those feelings onto our partner, our goals, or what we think our purpose is.

You might feel like you need approval. Even if you don’t admit it, you might seek responses to texts or likes on social media for attention because you didn’t get enough from your parents when you were young.

Understanding your own patterns is key, it empowers you. 

Recognizing them is a big step toward healing. Another part is choosing to confront those feelings, let them go, and embrace a new path. 

Now, think about your energy field. It goes beyond your body, gathering thoughts, behaviors, and even family history. Your lineage leaves a mark on this field, influencing it in ways you may not fully grasp.

Understanding Energy Fields and How to Create What You Want.

When you’re not aware of it, hidden forces can hold you back from reaching your goals, like finding success, the right job, growing your business, or love. 

This resistance in your energy field can block your desires. 

Personally, I’ve started paying attention to my energy, accepting whatever’s there, whether it’s from my family or from outside influences.

Now, the focus is on becoming aware and bringing in good vibes. 

Accept and recognize what’s in your energy field without fighting it, then boost it with gratitude for what you want in life. 

Gratitude connects you to something bigger. 

When you say “thank you,” you’re asking for more of the same. It helps you think in line with your wishes.

I have something important to share that could really help you out. Your energy is influenced by what you take in and the thoughts that come automatically. 

Being aware of your thoughts means noticing the ideas that might be hanging around in your energy. 

A book talks about thought forms in our shared consciousness that many people add to. Sometimes, you might think your thoughts are your own, but if you’re watching certain shows or listening to specific music, those ideas might come from the shared consciousness. 

The more you focus on it, the more it affects your energy, attracting similar vibes.

Understanding Attention and Energy in the Modern World.

Taking a break from some TV shows and social media can help a lot. Imagine scrolling through your feed without really thinking. Your attention goes everywhere, pulled by different things and people. 

That’s why focusing deeply on just a few tasks at a time often leads to success.

Think about how much better off you are compared to those who spend eight hours a day on screens. 

Isn’t that interesting? It’s hard to control your life when you’re giving so much of your energy to others through attention. 

Attention is valuable. 

Do you know how powerful your attention is? Companies will pay millions for just 30 seconds on TV to get your attention because they know it helps their product or vision grow.

It’s crucial to notice what’s motivating you and where you’re putting your focus. 

What’s driving you forward? For me, a big change happened when I found something inside me that felt deeper, like a part of my soul. When I make content, help others, and show my true self, I connect with a deeper part of myself, letting me create from a more meaningful place within.

Understanding Consumer Culture and Self-Worth.

Lots of people keep things shallow. It’s not some big spiritual judgment; it’s just how it is. Many go through Instagram, comparing themselves to others and wanting to buy the newest stuff.

Back in the 1930s, 40s, and 50s, advertisers learned they could sell more to housewives by making them feel not good enough. 

This made people want to buy things to feel better about themselves. It’s an old tactic, and many people still feel they need to buy stuff to feel worthy.

We shouldn’t believe everyone’s against us. 

But waking up means understanding that comparing yourself to others and buying things to feel better because you feel inadequate only makes that feeling worse. 

It just keeps making you feel not good enough, no matter what you do.

Even when you have a ton of stuff, advertisers keep pushing more. They act like there’s no limit to how beautiful you should be. 

But when you start to understand why you want things and how society tells you to want them, you can find a place inside yourself where you feel calm. 

That’s where you realize what you truly need and who you really are.

Lots of people want to have a lot of money because they see it as a way to get what they want. 

But really, money is just a tool, like energy. 

Sometimes, we chase after money without really knowing why. The thing is, money shows how much value we give to others. 

So instead of just wanting money, it’s better to focus on helping others, being true to yourself, making life better for people around you, and doing what really matters to you.

Doing what you love and getting excited about it makes people notice you.

Lots of us think money will make them happy, so they chase after it. They also look for love, hoping it’ll make them feel complete. But even after finding love, they forget that being truly happy comes from inside themselves.

Understanding How Conscious Manifestation Works, Being Aware and Accepting Reality.

Ever wondered what comes next after the happy ending? Real relationships have tough parts they don’t show in movies. It’s not being pessimistic, it’s just being honest. 

Want love? Be ready to work through intimacy issues. Want money? Prepare to tackle your fears head-on.

Conscious manifestation is knowing it’s about everything in life. 

It’s not just wishing for things without doing anything, then wondering why nothing happens. 

It’s understanding that you have the power to make things happen in your life.

Knowing that these things won’t automatically solve your problems. 

Believing they’ll whisk you away won’t change the truth, you’re still you no matter where you go. It’s like having a radio stuck on repeat, playing the same song. Even if you turn it off and move, that same tune stays with you.

Wrap it up

How do you control you mind? Start by becoming aware. Question yourself. Realize that you have thoughts, but you are not your thoughts. 

You have patterns from your past, but you are not those patterns. 
You have habits, but you are not your habits. 

By noticing and understanding these things, you reach what’s called the second Awakening.

You have a spiritual awakening and realize, “I create my reality.” 
But unconscious patterns still control you. 

You don’t notice them, you just want love, money, or other things, but these patterns stay. 

To Control your mind, you need to become aware of them, make new choices about who you are, and understand that your reality changes as you become aware of these patterns. Let yourself feel and use the energy of what you want to create.

Thanks for reading! Please take a moment to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Don’t forget to share if you found it informative ❤

Let me know what you think, I’m trying to keep it simple. God bless you, Love you all, take care!

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❤ Thank you Everyone! Love you all, Stay Vibrate Higher — Ryan Hwa❤

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