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What a Narcissist Thinks When They Miss You

Contrary to popular belief, narcissists do miss you, but not in the same way you miss them. They miss certain things about you, not you as a person. They process these feelings very differently. In this article, we will explore what’s going on in their minds. I’m going to share it all. But first, let me introduce myself. I’m Ryan, […]

When a Narcissist Realizes They’ve Lost the Genuine One

When a narcissist realizes they’ve lost the “Genuine one,” it means they’ve lost their main support. This person isn’t just anyone, they’re like a pillar for the narcissist, always there to help. They’re totally committed and willing to do anything to save the relationship. Losing them is not something the narcissist can accept because they give an unmatched love and […]

The One Thing Narcissists Can’t Stand About You

A narcissist may like things about you, like how you give chances, show affection, and understand them. But there’s one thing they really hate. They can’t stand it. When they see that one thing in you, they become your enemy. They attack you from all sides, trying to break you, but they can’t. They want to destroy that one quality […]

True Meaning Behind a Narcissist’s Rage

Every narcissist quickly and easily feels rage. Why? Because it makes them feel like they’re in control and powerful over others. It helps them avoid looking at themselves and feeling vulnerable. Let’s discuss why narcissists experience rage. When they lash out, whether by shouting or being passive-aggressive, what’s really happening? I’m Ryan, a narcissism expert and writer who assists individuals […]

How Narcissists Handle Confrontation with Truth

No one is more hated than the person who speaks the truth. This famous quote made me think about how narcissists can’t handle reality. They see the truth as an attack, and anyone who points out their falsehoods becomes their enemy. So, they try to tear down and destroy those who speak the truth. This is what happened to me […]

The Fine Line Between Fear and Concern

When is anxiety helpful in our lives? How can we tell the difference between anxiety and concern? What part do fear and worry play overall? Many of my friends and Medium readers ask, “Isn’t anxiety sometimes useful? Don’t I need to worry about possible problems?” In one of my articles on anticipatory anxiety, I explain how our brains are made […]

The Transformative Power of Conscious Breathing

Lately, I’ve been looking into fear and anxiety, and I keep coming back to the idea of breathing. It’s interesting how many people, especially those dealing with anxiety, feel even more nervous when they try to focus on their breathing. But despite this strange situation, I believe it’s really important for everyone to learn how to breathe in different situations […]

Exploring the Power of Intuition in Decision Making

When it comes to making decisions, some say facts are key, while others swear by gut feelings. But the truth? You need both. People split into two groups: those who trust facts most and those who think gut feelings are rubbish. Some people trust their gut, while others stick to the facts. But combining both? That’s the best way to […]