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The Truth Always Finds Its Way to the Narcissist

The life they’ve built with lies can’t last forever. One day, everything will fall apart, and they will face the truth. The Truth Always Finds Its Way to the Narcissist © Article cover created by the author using Canva. The fall of the narcissist is coming for sure. At first, they look strong and untouchable, always pushing limits and using people for […]

Why Narcissists Won’t Let You Have Closure

Narcissists always make the end of a relationship longer than it needs to be, no matter how it happens. Why Narcissists Won’t Let You Have Closure © Article cover created by the author using Canva. The narcissist never just lets go. When things start falling apart, they make it last as long as they can, twisting everything to stay in control. You […]

5 Unusual Signs of a Survivor of Narcissistic Abuse

Going through narcissistic abuse can really disrupt who you are, changing you in ways that might seem strange or confusing. It leaves behind a bunch of reactions that can be hard to understand, both for you and for others. After leaving the narcissist, you feel constantly on edge, always expecting something bad to happen. It’s difficult to trust others, and […]