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The Truth Always Finds Its Way to the Narcissist

The life they’ve built with lies can’t last forever. One day, everything will fall apart, and they will face the truth. The Truth Always Finds Its Way to the Narcissist © Article cover created by the author using Canva. The fall of the narcissist is coming for sure. At first, they look strong and untouchable, always pushing limits and using people for […]

How Narcissists Leave You to Clean Up Their Drama

They believed you’d never leave, no matter how much trouble they caused. While you worked hard to make things better, they just watched and enjoyed being in control. How Narcissists Leave You to Clean Up Their Drama © Article cover created by the author using Canva. When you look back, you can see now the relationship was never going to last. Narcissistic […]

What Happens When a Narcissist Loses Control Over You

Control is very important to them. When you were in the relationship, you didn’t know this because you thought it was a kind, loving, and stable relationship. When you met the narcissist, they took control right away. They decided who you hung out with, what you did, and even what clothes you wore. They ran everything in the relationship. And […]

Why It’s Really Important to Stay Away from Narcissists

We’re focusing on narcissists and why it’s crucial to avoid them. Narcissists are people who don’t genuinely care about you. They’ve never had your best interests at heart, not in the past, not now, and definitely not in the future. As you try to leave a relationship with a narcissist or plan how to get out, you realize just how common narcissism […]

When the Pawn Becomes the Queen

You might have heard me use chess, ocean, and “light at the end of the tunnel” examples before. These comparisons apply when you’re healing from a narcissistic relationship. In this article, I want to explain something for those who aren’t familiar with chess: Chess is played on a board, and when one of your pawns reaches the opponent’s backline, you can […]

Keeping the Narcissist Out of Your Life

It could be someone you used to date, a family member, a coworker, or just a friend. Sometimes, you might feel tempted to give them another chance. Dealing with a narcissist is extremly difficult. They flip between acting like a victim and acting superior, always trying to get their way. For example, think about a parent with a narcissistic adult child. […]

How Narcissists Want to Drag You Down with Them

They don’t want to help you, instead they want to trap you in their cycle of manipulation and harm. Like a sinking ship, they have a bunch of ways to cause trouble and hurt anyone close to them. If you’ve ever been with a narcissist, you know how strange it feels. It’s like being in a crazy world where you forget who […]

When You See the Narcissist for Who They Really Are

Today’s topic is about When You See the Narcissist for Who They Really Are. Knowing the real person behind the mask, instead of who you hoped they were, is a key part of healing. During the relationship, you probably gave the narcissist many chances. You didn’t trust your gut feelings, ignored the red flags, and saw a twisted version of reality. […]