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This Is How a Narcissist Plans to Discard Someone

Today, we’ll talk about how a narcissist plans to discard someone. But first, what does “discard” mean? It’s when someone throws away something they don’t value or respect anymore, like a paper cup or an old t-shirt. The narcissist keeps ending relationships in a never-ending cycle. First, they start by showering you with love and making everything seem perfect. But soon, they […]

How the Narcissist Takes Over Your Mind

It’s tough to accept, but it’s true. The narcissist fills your thoughts during the relationship and sometimes even after it’s over, until one day, they just don’t anymore. The goal of this article is to reach a point where you don’t care about the narcissist anymore. But let’s go back for a moment. Remember when you first met them? They probably […]

How Narcissists Are Really Good at Denying Things

Denial is when someone refuses to accept the truth, and narcissists are experts at it. Right from when they first met you, they started hiding who they truly are. They pretended to be someone else, tricking you into getting close to them. They’re sneaky, making you open up to them while they keep their true selves hidden. Every time you talked […]

The Narcissist Hunger Games

They’re constantly craving something they can never seem to grasp, something they call “supply”. It’s like they’re always chasing after an elusive feeling of being full, but no matter how much they consume, they’re left wanting more. The Narcissist Hunger Games ©Article cover made by the author. As if they’re running after a shimmering oasis in the desert, always just out of reach. […]

When You’re Lost in a Narcissistic Fog

You feel emotionally low and can’t see through the manipulation and mistreatment. It’s a confusing and disorienting experience where you might not even understand what’s happening. When You’re Lost in a Narcissistic Fog ©Article cover made by the author. You know you’re not being treated well. The abuse or manipulation happens more often now, almost every day. You’re getting used to […]

When You Tried to Save the Relationship

While you were in it, there were many moments when you worked hard to make it better. They will say like “Hey, can we talk about our relationship? It seems like things have changed, and we need to discuss what’s next.” When You Tried to Save the Relationship ©Article cover made by the author. Back then, you didn’t realize what kind of […]

What Did the Narcissist Really Want from You?

When you were in that relationship with the narcissist, you didn’t know what they wanted or about narcissism beforehand. So, you didn’t understand what you were dealing with, whether it was a narcissistic family, spouse, coworker, colleague, neighbor, friend, or anyone who might have been a narcissist. What Did the Narcissist Really Want from You? ©Article cover made by the author. […]

The Fantasy of The Narcissistic Relationship

At first, it all felt so real and sincere. You went into it with good intentions, planning to keep your promises and be honest. But soon enough, you realized things were not as they seemed. Imagine being fully committed to a relationship, whether it’s a friendship, romance, work partnership, or community involvement. You went into it with sincere hopes for […]