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The Truth Always Finds Its Way to the Narcissist

The life they’ve built with lies can’t last forever. One day, everything will fall apart, and they will face the truth. The Truth Always Finds Its Way to the Narcissist © Article cover created by the author using Canva. The fall of the narcissist is coming for sure. At first, they look strong and untouchable, always pushing limits and using people for […]

Why Narcissists Won’t Let You Have Closure

Narcissists always make the end of a relationship longer than it needs to be, no matter how it happens. Why Narcissists Won’t Let You Have Closure © Article cover created by the author using Canva. The narcissist never just lets go. When things start falling apart, they make it last as long as they can, twisting everything to stay in control. You […]

When the Pawn Becomes the Queen

You might have heard me use chess, ocean, and “light at the end of the tunnel” examples before. These comparisons apply when you’re healing from a narcissistic relationship. In this article, I want to explain something for those who aren’t familiar with chess: Chess is played on a board, and when one of your pawns reaches the opponent’s backline, you can […]

Keeping the Narcissist Out of Your Life

It could be someone you used to date, a family member, a coworker, or just a friend. Sometimes, you might feel tempted to give them another chance. Dealing with a narcissist is extremly difficult. They flip between acting like a victim and acting superior, always trying to get their way. For example, think about a parent with a narcissistic adult child. […]

How Did I End Up Like This After a Narcissistic Relationship?

Let’s talk about why people are drawn to narcissists. After being in a relationship with a narcissist, or even during one, you often wonder: “How did I end up like this after a narcissistic relationship” This question is hard because it usually means something went wrong or isn’t going as planned. It’s a tough question to think about. In a relationship with […]

There’s No Going Back in a Narcissistic Relationship

Let’s talk about there’s no going back in a narcissistic relationship. Whether you’re dealing with life after a narcissistic relationship or trying to break free from their control, like in a divorce or separation, it’s a tough road ahead. When you start pondering, “Was the narcissist truly that awful? Was the relationship so toxic?” Take a moment to reflect on the […]

I’ma Leave That Door Closed Tightly for Narcissists

I want to talk about I’ma leave that door close tightly for narcissists. I’m talking about the door that leads back to the narcissist. Once you learn from the advice and tools shared here, you’ll see that the best move is to stop all contact with these people completely. I emphasize this in almost every article because it works. It’s crucial […]

Things Will Change This Time for Me Dear Narcissist

Let’s discuss the concept of thinking “things will change this time for me dear narcissist” You’ve left the narcissistic relationship. Whether you’re progressing, healing, or already healed, your goal is to achieve complete indifference. You want to reach a place where thoughts about the narcissist or people from your past no longer bother you. Suddenly, things might seem to be going […]

What Comes After the Aftermath of Validation

Let’s discuss what comes after the aftermath of validation. Just as you see the leaves turning green around us and new life sprouting all over, that’s what you can expect after dealing with a narcissistic relationship. As you begin to heal, everything will start feeling fresh and full of possibilities. You may not be fully healed yet, but you’re starting to […]