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The Truth Always Finds Its Way to the Narcissist

The life they’ve built with lies can’t last forever. One day, everything will fall apart, and they will face the truth. The Truth Always Finds Its Way to the Narcissist © Article cover created by the author using Canva. The fall of the narcissist is coming for sure. At first, they look strong and untouchable, always pushing limits and using people for […]

Why Narcissists Won’t Let You Have Closure

Narcissists always make the end of a relationship longer than it needs to be, no matter how it happens. Why Narcissists Won’t Let You Have Closure © Article cover created by the author using Canva. The narcissist never just lets go. When things start falling apart, they make it last as long as they can, twisting everything to stay in control. You […]

Who Are Enablers and How They Support Narcissists?

Enablers are very important in narcissist life. But who they are? They are people narcissist choose to stay close with them. Enablers are people who stay close to narcissist, like loyal followers. They maybe think narcissist is real victim or just don’t want any fight. These people keep forgiving narcissist for bad things they do. Sometimes, they even help them.  They […]

When Narcissists’ Plans Go Wrong

Narcissists often push too hard. They know what they’re doing and want to take advantage of people who haven’t healed or understood narcissism. When Narcissists’ Plans Go Wrong ©Article cover made by the author. If you’ve been discarded by a narcissist, I understand your pain. Did the end of your relationship surprise you? It probably did. Meanwhile, the narcissist already found someone […]

What the Narcissist Meant for Yourself

In a relationship with a narcissist, they often said things with hidden meanings. For instance, when they said “I love you,” it might not have meant what you thought. Let’s uncover what their words truly meant. What the Narcissist Meant for Yourself ©Article cover made by the author. We now know narcissists can’t genuinely love. But you can, and that’s a wonderful quality. […]

Why Did the Narcissist Delay Ending the Relationship?

Many people often wonder why narcissists delay breaking up. There are various reasons for this behavior. Understanding these reasons can help you better grasp the nature of such relationships. Why Did the Narcissist Delay Ending the Relationship? ©Article cover made by the author. The first reason is that the narcissist had drained you completely. They took your time, energy, love, and […]

When Their Past Haunts Them Back

Their past actions come back to haunt them sooner or later, it’s bound to happen. The narcissist moves through life like a wrecking ball in a serene garden. Their goal is to cause harm like manipulating, deceiving, creating chaos, and ruining lives without feeling sorry. Some may argue, “Ryan, you’re being harsh.” No, I’m not. If you’ve crossed paths a narcissist […]

A Long List That Narcissists Destroy in You

There is a very long list of things that the narcissist destroys. I’ll jump right into it. A Long List That Narcissists Destroy in You ©Article cover made by the author. The first thing the narcissist destroyed was your trust. You used to trust them, just like you trust most people, until you met that narcissistic person who betrayed you. They promised […]

When a Narcissist Realizes They’ve Lost the Genuine One

When a narcissist realizes they’ve lost the “Genuine one,” it means they’ve lost their main support. This person isn’t just anyone, they’re like a pillar for the narcissist, always there to help. They’re totally committed and willing to do anything to save the relationship. Losing them is not something the narcissist can accept because they give an unmatched love and […]